1001+ Original Character Ideas You Can Use Right Now (And How To Come Up With More Ideas) | CharacterHub (2024)

Chances are, if you’re reading this, you already have experience finding character ideas. You probably have no shortage of concepts and scraps of OC ideas, either. Sometimes, though, we all could use a little help and inspiration. Thankfully, CharacterHub has many ideas to share with you right now.

We will cover some sources of inspiration, but more importantly, we will send you an instant OC idea tool. Even better, you can use over a thousand OC ideas right now in this very article.

1001+ Original Character Ideas You Can Use Right Now (And How To Come Up With More Ideas) | CharacterHub (1)

How to Find Ideas

Finding inspiration for creating characters can take many forms. It’s impossible to cover all the ways inspiration strikes; sometimes, it might seem random. Usually, however, there is a trigger that will cause any of us to go, “I have an idea.” There is no one-size-fits-all solution to finding OC ideas, but there are a myriad of more minor inspirations.

1001+ Original Character Ideas You Can Use Right Now (And How To Come Up With More Ideas) | CharacterHub (2)

Absorbing Media for Inspiration

One popular way to develop new OCs is through the mobile app Gacha Club. Gacha Club is an adorable game that allows players to create clubs of original characters in Gacha form by taking on the role of Gacha Summoners. When it comes to a program like this, designing Gacha Club OCs features an endless combination of up to 100 free character slots with hundreds and hundreds of design options that result in thousands of combinations.

Bonding with a character you create in a game can lead to OC drawing ideas. For example, whenever I play a game with custom character creation, I always create an “Aluia Ravenmane,” who has become an OC in my collection in her own right. Her background and style may change from game to game, but they are endless variations on the core Aluia OC. Finding inspiration in games, especially games like Gacha Club, can lead to OC inspiration.

But what about other fandoms? Another way is to embrace your fandom, such as with Warrior Cats OCs. Warrior Cats is a massive, immersive setting featuring the adventures of cats (go figure) and has become a source of inspiration to OC creators worldwide. Using media such as games and books is an excellent resource for character concepts. There are many ways for fans to create their characters within the world of Warrior Cats, and the community embraces creation.

In my case, I am an avid roleplayer for tabletop games, and my group is considering a Star Wars campaign. As a Star Wars fan, there is plenty of inspiration for me to draw from - there are almost too many options. In that case, I may need to lean on an archetype I love, such as a bounty hunter, like the Mandalorian. No matter what, my love of the setting and the versatility of the media gives me endless options for character creation.

It all comes down to what you love. Most fans of any media will occasionally indulge in the simple question of “what if?” when enjoying their favorite book, movie, or show. That can be the spark they need to create their own OC - experience as much media as possible to see what clicks.

Bootstrapping OC Ideas

Lastly, you could also try the other strategies outlined in our previous guide, “How To Make An Original Character.” We cover all sources of inspiration and character design theory if you want extra guidance. The hard part is waiting for that idea to pop up, but you can speed up that process by exposing yourself to stories that can inspire you.

However, this time, we want to focus on something more prompt-based: the dual-word method. The dual-word method is a shortcut to finding that spark that leads to a new original character that anyone can master. Think of it like a game or puzzle - what can you do with the inspiration provided?

The Dual-Word Method

The dual-word method is a strategy of using two words to develop a character idea. For example, what comes to mind if I give you the words “Roving Philanderer” or “Lovelorn Baker”?

The dual-word method is like a formula to develop characters; as you’ll see, the combinations are practically endless. This method is a simple math problem: A + B = C. Or characterTraits from A, plus roles from B, resulting in your new character (C).

1001+ Original Character Ideas You Can Use Right Now (And How To Come Up With More Ideas) | CharacterHub (3)

Set A: The Adjectives

This first set of words are adjectives that establish traits of an original character. You can design a character that reflects that selected trait using the adjective. We’ve assembled 100 unique adjectives ranging from standard to slightly more obscure.

When using the adjectives, your best bet is to start from the image that appears when you read it. That can make a strong foundation for an OC.

  1. Adorable
  2. Brave
  3. Calm
  4. Dazzling
  5. Energetic
  6. Friendly
  7. Gleaming
  8. Harmonious
  9. Inventive
  10. Jovial
  11. Kind-hearted
  12. Luminous
  13. Majestic
  14. Nurturing
  15. Optimistic
  16. Playful
  17. Quirky
  18. Radiant
  19. Serene
  20. Thoughtful
  21. Unique
  22. Vibrant
  23. Witty
  24. Zealous
  25. Amicable
  26. Blissful
  27. Captivating
  28. Delightful
  29. Enchanting
  30. Fearless
  31. Gracious
  32. Heartwarming
  33. Ingenious
  34. Joyful
  35. Kind
  36. Lively
  37. Magnificent
  38. Noble
  39. Outstanding
  40. Passionate
  41. Quaint
  42. Resilient
  43. Spirited
  44. Tenacious
  45. Uplifting
  46. Vivacious
  47. Winsome
  48. Youthful
  49. Zesty
  50. Alluring
  51. Bold
  52. Cheerful
  53. Dynamic
  54. Exuberant
  55. Gentle
  56. Harmful
  57. Inspiring
  58. Jubilant
  59. Kooky
  60. Loquacious
  61. Modest
  62. Nifty
  63. Opulent
  64. Poised
  65. Quizzical
  66. Refined
  67. Silky
  68. Tranquil
  69. Unassuming
  70. Whimsical
  71. Blistering
  72. Charming
  73. Bombastic
  74. Exquisite
  75. Graceful
  76. Intrepid
  77. Jolly
  78. Keen
  79. Lustrous
  80. Mesmerizing
  81. Nimble
  82. Opinionated
  83. Piquant
  84. Radical
  85. Sincere
  86. Tactful
  87. Unflappable
  88. Daring
  89. Zany
  90. Beguiling
  91. Chic
  92. Darling
  93. Elegant
  94. Festive
  95. Glorious
  96. Ineffable
  97. Jazzy
  98. Klutzy
  99. Lovely
  100. Melodic

Set B: The Roles

This collection of words represents roles or character archetypes. Combining these with the adjectives in the previous list results in an exciting combination that you can expand into an original character. The following is only a partial list; add or remove roles as you see fit when finding character concepts. We’ve tried to assemble some of the most frequently visited OC archetypes and promising careers that a person can write stories around.

  1. Detective
  2. Pirate
  3. Scientist
  4. Bounty Hunter
  5. Chef
  6. Wizard
  7. Spy
  8. Archaeologist
  9. Space Explorer
  10. Gladiator
  11. Time Traveler
  12. Astronaut
  13. Samurai
  14. Nurse
  15. Sorcerer
  16. Hacker
  17. Diplomat
  18. Bodyguard
  19. Witch
  20. Mechanic
  21. Cowboy
  22. Secret Agent
  23. Mercenary
  24. Psychic
  25. Inventor
  26. Assassin
  27. Martial Artist
  28. Ghost Hunter
  29. Alchemist
  30. Sniper
  31. Smuggler
  32. Cartographer
  33. Ninja
  34. Sheriff
  35. Engineer
  36. Librarian
  37. Explorer
  38. Shaman
  39. Private Investigator
  40. Gangster
  41. Barbarian
  42. NetRunner
  43. Corporate Climber
  44. Police Officer
  45. Scholar
  46. Politician
  47. Journalist
  48. Writer
  49. Zoologist
  50. Geneticist
  51. Warrior
  52. Alchemist
  53. Vigilante
  54. Superhero
  55. Space Pirate
  56. Thug
  57. Knight
  58. Explorer
  59. Shopkeep
  60. Bard
  61. Writer
  62. Novelist
  63. Revolutionary
  64. Sailor
  65. Fire Fighter
  66. Supervillain
  67. Serial Killer
  68. Kingpin
  69. Henchperson
  70. Royal
  71. Doctor
  72. Nurse
  73. Artist
  74. Fighter
  75. Roboticist
  76. Hunter
  77. Secret Agent
  78. Con Artist
  79. Philanderer
  80. Raconteur
  81. Genius
  82. Gambler
  83. Swordsman
  84. Overlord
  85. Warlock
  86. Necromancer
  87. Wanderer
  88. Werewolf
  89. Marine
  90. Merchant
  91. Designer
  92. Model
  93. Vtuber
  94. Athlete
  95. Office Worker
  96. Lancer
  97. Barber
  98. Slacker
  99. Vampire
  100. Ghost

Premade Characters Archetypes

The following are potential archetypes derived from pairing words from the lists above. You can achieve well over 1001 character concepts with this system. If you do the math of combining one adjective with one role, you can arrive at over 10,000 combinations for character ideas. You can also expand the word pool for even more character concepts.

Also, remember that the genre will also usually have a factor in the OC concept, so there is a third component to consider here. A third component lurks, as OCs are generally associated with a theme. Whatever the combination, add a theme to it for some extra inspiration.

1001+ Original Character Ideas You Can Use Right Now (And How To Come Up With More Ideas) | CharacterHub (4)


  1. Dynamic Cartographer - This map-maker during an age of exploration drives many to aid in their cause.
  2. Klutzy Con Artist - A bumbling manipulator gets involved in a heist they are not equipped to handle.
  3. Refined Sailor - A wealthy merchant sailor operates an opulent ship, traveling from port to port.
  4. Exquisite Revolutionary - This radical is all about appearances - after all, he needs to look suitable for the cause.2
  5. Whimsical Detective - This somewhat flighty detective finds themself in exotic locals on the strangest cases.
  6. Jolly Inventor - A brilliant, affable inventor is on the verge of a revolutionary discovery that will bring joy to the world.
  7. Loquacious Martial Artist - This skilled combatant is as good with his words as his fists.
  8. Poised Ninja - A senior ninja deals with radical new ninjas that do not meet his standards.
  9. Jazzy Swordsman - This groovy swordsman wanders the land with a blade on his hip and a tune in his heart.
  10. Energetic Supervillain - The hardest worker around… just devoted to evil.
  11. Majestic Gangster - This crime lord has more money than most nations he visits.
  12. Bombastic Wanderer - A braggadocious adventurer who may just be telling the truth about his adventures, much to the shock of everyone.
  13. Daring Spy - The bravest spy of a country tasked with infiltrating a rival to prevent all-out war.

Science Fiction

  1. Quirky Revolutionary - An artist in a “company town” colony on Mars strikes for independence by pushing people to express their individuality.
  2. Brave Inventor - A daredevil genius will only accept one test subject: himself.
  3. Exquisite Time Traveler - A time traveler uses the paradox of time travel to amass a fortune of classic art.
  4. Bombastic Revolutionary - A humble citizen of an empire wages a one-person war against his oppressor, and people notice their success.
  5. Friendly Marine - A space marine is transferred to a backwater world and works to defend the colonists and enrich their lives.
  6. Inventive Superhero - A genius inventor creates an incredible new crime-fighting tool that has put a target on her back, courtesy of a league of villains.
  7. Vivacious Smuggler - A smuggler charms her way out of trouble but is still handy with a blaster.
  8. Zesty Space Explorer - The youngest explorer of the landing party is also the most eager, even on a forbidden planet.
  9. Klutzy Gladiator - A dumb but mighty warrior fights aliens or fumbles through them with unusual strength.
  10. Festive Detective - A devil-may-care detective in a cyberpunk city haunts the underground clubs.
  11. Enchanting Philanderer - The world’s first genetically engineered “perfect lover” is on the loose!
  12. Tactful Hunter - To the shock of all, a cosmic bounty hunter is known for taking every bounty alive, no matter their firepower.


  1. Inventive Wanderer - A peasant has managed to travel around the world and visit royal courts through clever social engineering.
  2. Jolly Sailor - A good-humored member of a royal fleet has been kidnapped by singing pirates.
  3. Whimsical Chef - A chef wanders the land in search of mystical ingredients.
  4. Winsome Revolutionary - A handsome noble stages a revolution against a rival family who seized their cousin’s throne.
  5. Opinionated Overlord - An elf is frustrated with other races abusing the gifts of the forest and sets out to educate them by taking over their nations.
  6. Alluring Swordsman - A handsome warrior from another land arrives in a kingdom to ask to marry a princess, telling tales of his feats to impress her family.
  7. Nimble Warlock - A young warlock has learned to combine dark magic with physical fighting, earning the ire of older members of his order.
  8. Quizzical Bard - A curious bard has been traveling with different dungeon parties to experiment with new songs of power.
  9. Gracious Alchemist - An alchemist discovers a new elixir and seeks to cure a kingdom.
  10. Loquacious Knight - A knight spends much time exploring the puzzles of philosophy and how they relate to his heroic deeds to anyone in earshot.
  11. Charming Samurai - My little imperial retainer can’t be this cute!
  12. Tranquil Wizard - A wizard awakens from meditation after 20 years, having tapped into a new magical discovery.

1001+ Original Character Ideas You Can Use Right Now (And How To Come Up With More Ideas) | CharacterHub (5)


  1. Gleaming Zoologist - Several institutes court a world-renowned animal expert.
  2. Alluring Con Artist - In any case, their hands are in someone’s pants, be it the pocket for the wallet or elsewhere…
  3. Gleaming Chef - The newest elite chef in the world struggles with their newfound success.
  4. Modest Con Artist - A trickster greases situations just to get by, but their heart isn’t in it.
  5. Zany Hacker - A wild roommate always seems to be doing some crazy illegal tech crap - but never seems to pay their half of the rent.
  6. Blissful Vigilante - A local father plays “superhero” to kids in the neighborhood but stumbles into a series of actual robberies on his block.
  7. Exuberant Designer - An interior designer is close to breaking through the crowd into the big gigs.
  8. Blistering Corporate Climber - An office worker with a chip on their shoulder plans to climb the ranks of GloboCo and doesn’t care who they need to step over on the way.
  9. Heartwarming Spy - A spy infiltrating a politician's inner circle takes a liking to that neglected child.
  10. Energetic Bard - A local guitarist puts his all into helping people in the park where he plays with their problems.
  11. Gleaming Politician - Finally… a good politician worth voting for!


  1. Unassuming Serial Killer - they seem nice until it is time for someone to die.
  2. Intrepid Werewolf - The Wolfeboro curse won't stop him from seeking a cure.
  3. Glorious Ghost - An arrogant and vain ghost haunts those who threaten their superiority.
  4. Harmful Hunter - A psychopathic hunter stalks a group of people who stumbled onto his property.
  5. Lively Fighter - A luchador fights the undead with style.
  6. Keen Cartographer - An explorer ventures into a jungle and finds themselves stalked by something deadly, but that won't stop them.
  7. Unassuming Lancer - A soldier on his return home finds himself haunted by the vengeful manifestations of his battles.
  8. Poised Office Worker - It is just another day at the office for this character until the apocalypse begins.
  9. Exquisite Journalist - An arrogant journalist investigates a string of ritualistic murders in high society.
  10. Captivating Zoologist - A brilliant and charismatic Zoologist leads an expedition to find a living “missing link.”
  11. Gleaming Hunter - A late 19th-century physician stalks the lower quarter of the city for victims.
  12. Outstanding Vampire - The leader of a band of vampires must deal with a usurper.


  1. Vibrant Librarian - A vivacious librarian seeks the right person to match their energy.
  2. Melodic Office Worker - This worker breaks out into the occasional love song.
  3. Thoughtful Designer - This interior designer never expected to fall in love with that blue-collar contractor.
  4. Vivacious Philanderer - We'll just say this guy is Lord Byron. Turn Lord Byron into a character.
  5. Noble Warrior - An honorable knight strives to impress a maiden.
  6. Gleaming Psychic - A famous psychic discovers a skeptic has a crush on them.
  7. Quirky Athlete - He is the best in the league but unlucky in love.
  8. Serene Space Pirate - This starbound swashbuckler never expected to fall for the Navy officer hunting them down.
  9. Sincere Astronaut - Not even a million miles can separate this Astronaut from their feelings for you.
  10. Harmonious Chef - this chef has everything right where they want until an attractive critic challenges them.
  11. Loquacious Revolutionary - This brilliant thought leader is so busy saving his country that he doesn't notice the devotion of a comrade.
  12. Poised Time Traveler - You can't fall in love - it’ll rewrite history!
  13. Witty Nurse - She is a quick wit… let's hope the ambulance driver likes that.
  14. Noble Slacker - He may be a slacker, but he also works for the people, which gets noticed by the guy in the coffee shop.

1001+ Original Character Ideas You Can Use Right Now (And How To Come Up With More Ideas) | CharacterHub (6)


  1. Harmful Hacker - A hacker has this city in the grips of a reigh of digital terror.
  2. Radical Astronaut - They are so fed up with the corporations they build a rocket to escape the planet.
  3. Klutzy Hunter - He isn't the best of the hunters in the exclusion zone, but he sure tries.
  4. Exquisite Overlord - This ruler of an apocalyptic zone lives well off exploiting the people.
  5. Brave Corporate Climber - Someone works to build a better company in this capitalistic hellscape.
  6. Inspiring Samurai - A wandering warrior helps to aid the lives of post-apocalyptic survivors.
  7. Uplifting Artist - An artist fights the regime's oppression through inspiring art.
  8. Piquant Wizard - This wizard of the wastes tempts wanderers with an intriguing offer - the study of magic.
  9. Mesmerizing Bard - Even after the city fell to the invading forces, this bard raises the spirits of the resistance.
  10. Dazzling Geneticist - A corporate-backed plague controls the populace, but a brilliant researcher may have found a cure.
  11. Zesty Psychic - This roving mutant wanders the ruins in search of others with their gift.
  12. Blistering Gladiator - Their mantra: the only rule of the Thunderdome is to survive!
  13. Playful Cartographer - Society crumbled a century ago, but this explorer plans to map out what is left.


  1. Gracious Psychic - This psychic uses their gift for the betterment of others through solving mysteries.
  2. Thoughtful Cartographer - An island has emerged at the coast, and someone needs to map it.
  3. Lively Kingpin - This crime lord may be the suspect behind a hit, but he claims he is being framed.
  4. Klutzy Bounty Hunter - He is the worst henchman ever.
  5. Jolly Warlock - This good-natured practitioner of dark arts uses his gifts for laughs by solving mysteries.
  6. Melodic Bodyguard - A bodyguard secretly moonlights as a lounge singer and witnesses a murder during his break.
  7. Resilient Space Pirate - She wakes up to see her crew murdered and does not appear alone on the ship.
  8. Gracious Vigilante - This citizen is praised for bringing justice, but someone now wants to wipe them out.
  9. Kind-hearted Thug - What sort of bruiser gets distracted by playing with stray cats on the job?
  10. Melodic Detective - This detective solves crimes by replaying evidence as impromptu Broadway musical numbers.
  11. Passionate Inventor - This genius attempts to discover who destroyed their pride and joy… the world’s first human-like robot.
  12. Darling Diplomat - She is the most popular visiting diplomat in the country, so why does someone want her dead?
  13. Piquant Gangster - He may be a criminal, but it is intriguing.
  14. Zesty Scientist - Someone stole their research, and they won’t rest until it is back in their hands.

Even More OC Ideas… 900 More, In Fact!

CharacterHub is not content to leave you with just 101 ideas; we also have a list of 900 other pairings. This is a long list and can take some time to scroll through. Combine any of these pairings with a genre, and you’ll develop a fun OC idea. And that does not include the nearly 10,000 total that can be generated.

We’ve broken the list combinations into 300 pairings. Happy OC conceptualizing!

1001+ Original Character Ideas You Can Use Right Now (And How To Come Up With More Ideas) | CharacterHub (7)

Character Concepts 100 - 300

  1. Sincere Royal
  2. Dazzling Con Artist
  3. Harmful Gladiator
  4. Enchanting Librarian
  5. Harmful Scientist
  6. Jazzy Secret Agent
  7. Klutzy Scientist
  8. Passionate Merchant
  9. Calm Novelist
  10. Winsome Shopkeep
  11. Mesmerizing Spy
  12. Quaint Bard
  13. Silky Fire Fighter
  14. Magnificent Cowboy
  15. Lustrous NetRunner
  16. Jolly Zoologist
  17. Tactful Psychic
  18. Gentle Hunter
  19. Friendly Swordsman
  20. Bombastic Samurai
  21. Piquant Mercenary
  22. Radical Inventor
  23. Tranquil Smuggler
  24. Alluring Vigilante
  25. Captivating Novelist
  26. Joyful Shaman
  27. Radical Zoologist
  28. Jubilant Detective
  29. Gracious Sniper
  30. Piquant Politician
  31. Refined Warlock
  32. Kooky Wizard
  33. Calm Scientist
  34. Playful Gangster
  35. Magnificent Hunter
  36. Graceful Lancer
  37. Outstanding Bard
  38. Winsome Scholar
  39. Spirited Marine
  40. Fearless Swordsman
  41. Harmful Supervillain
  42. Luminous Wizard
  43. Refined Samurai
  44. Optimistic Witch
  45. Zesty Archaeologist
  46. Delightful Writer
  47. Radical Overlord
  48. Quaint Swordsman
  49. Glorious Martial Artist
  50. Vibrant Con Artist
  51. Klutzy Pirate
  52. Gleaming Fighter
  53. Noble Engineer
  54. Keen Supervillain
  55. Harmful Detective
  56. Calm Marine
  57. Gentle Model
  58. Kooky Mercenary
  59. Jovial Witch
  60. Calm Scholar
  61. Resilient Marine
  62. Nifty Office Worker
  63. Kind Space Explorer
  64. Witty Bard
  65. Nifty Private Investigator
  66. Passionate Ghost Hunter
  67. Serene Corporate Climber
  68. Kind-hearted Nurse
  69. Zealous Nurse
  70. Captivating Overlord
  71. Opinionated Warrior
  72. Witty Space Pirate
  73. Klutzy Artist
  74. Adorable Gladiator
  75. Lively Marine
  76. Jazzy Hunter
  77. Energetic Vigilante
  78. Fearless Overlord
  79. Magnificent Bounty Hunter
  80. Uplifting Superhero
  81. Amicable Werewolf
  82. Silky Warrior
  83. Glorious Time Traveler
  84. Unflappable Warlock
  85. Thoughtful Overlord
  86. Ineffable Inventor
  87. Youthful Mercenary
  88. Kind-hearted Overlord
  89. Lustrous Bounty Hunter
  90. Youthful Warlock
  91. Nifty Scientist
  92. Zesty Superhero
  93. Loquacious Cartographer
  94. Vibrant Journalist
  95. Tactful Marine
  96. Ingenious Marine
  97. Unique Scholar
  98. Ingenious Scientist
  99. Harmful Knight
  100. Blistering Wizard
  101. Jolly Supervillain
  102. Graceful Henchperson
  103. Tranquil Marine
  104. Blissful Ninja
  105. Blistering Vtuber
  106. Charming Con Artist
  107. Ingenious Merchant
  108. Daring Explorer
  109. Quaint Private Investigator
  110. Lively Philanderer
  111. Friendly Serial Killer
  112. Delightful Nurse
  113. Intrepid Fighter
  114. Kind Writer
  115. Melodic Revolutionary
  116. Uplifting Politician
  117. Ineffable Roboticist
  118. Tenacious Police Officer
  119. Glorious Wanderer
  120. Nimble Kingpin
  121. Thoughtful Wanderer
  122. Unflappable Bard
  123. Noble Thug
  124. Vibrant Merchant
  125. Playful Vtuber
  126. Optimistic Bounty Hunter
  127. Luminous Librarian
  128. Loquacious Diplomat
  129. Keen Raconteur
  130. Modest Psychic
  131. Alluring Philanderer
  132. Gracious Writer
  133. Quaint Cowboy
  134. Vivacious Gambler
  135. Fearless Nurse
  136. Ingenious Shaman
  137. Enchanting Samurai
  138. Tenacious Royal
  139. Enchanting Roboticist
  140. Thoughtful Merchant
  141. Alluring Serial Killer
  142. Gracious Roboticist
  143. Radiant Chef
  144. Ineffable Genius
  145. Outstanding Royal
  146. Loquacious Shopkeep
  147. Optimistic Artist
  148. Harmonious Serial Killer
  149. Unique Gladiator
  150. Uplifting Alchemist
  151. Lovely Nurse
  152. Darling Detective
  153. Magnificent Nurse
  154. Heartwarming Assassin
  155. Blistering Barbarian
  156. Sincere Witch
  157. Unflappable Journalist
  158. Nifty Hunter
  159. Unique Con Artist
  160. Tenacious Cartographer
  161. Friendly Sheriff
  162. Heartwarming Scholar
  163. Radiant Designer
  164. Cheerful Con Artist
  165. Radiant Marine
  166. Nurturing Bodyguard
  167. Spirited Office Worker
  168. Fearless Philanderer
  169. Quirky Henchperson
  170. Jazzy Supervillain
  171. Playful Designer
  172. Nifty Martial Artist
  173. Harmonious Fighter
  174. Whimsical Martial Artist
  175. Zany Barber
  176. Loquacious Martial Artist
  177. Amicable Supervillain
  178. Jubilant Hunter
  179. Zesty Werewolf
  180. Unflappable Ghost
  181. Serene Sailor
  182. Uplifting Hacker
  183. Enchanting Lancer
  184. Lively Kingpin
  185. Gracious Politician
  186. Thoughtful Martial Artist
  187. Spirited Supervillain
  188. Jubilant Royal
  189. Jovial Martial Artist
  190. Inventive Smuggler
  191. Youthful Diplomat
  192. Darling Knight
  193. Radiant Sorcerer
  194. Serene Gambler
  195. Exuberant Swordsman
  196. Alluring Space Explorer
  197. Tranquil Superhero
  198. Bold Journalist
  199. Graceful Thug
  200. Youthful Bounty Hunter
  201. Opulent Police Officer
  202. Mesmerizing Office Worker
  203. Winsome Politician
  204. Unique Diplomat
  205. Inspiring Merchant
  206. Enchanting Novelist
  207. Gracious Bounty Hunter
  208. Dazzling NetRunner
  209. Gleaming Astronaut
  210. Whimsical Superhero
  211. Glorious Barbarian
  212. Outstanding Artist
  213. Brave Vampire
  214. Joyful Alchemist
  215. Tactful Mercenary
  216. Luminous Lancer
  217. Kind Slacker
  218. Quirky Corporate Climber
  219. Tranquil Engineer
  220. Tenacious Ghost
  221. Beguiling Vampire
  222. Graceful Witch
  223. Darling Lancer
  224. Jovial Archaeologist
  225. Nifty Ghost
  226. Quaint Genius
  227. Captivating Bard
  228. Keen Private Investigator
  229. Vibrant Bard
  230. Modest Writer
  231. Whimsical Alchemist
  232. Radical Detective
  233. Charming Athlete
  234. Optimistic Con Artist
  235. Kind-hearted Werewolf
  236. Brave Vtuber
  237. Loquacious Geneticist
  238. Unassuming Sheriff
  239. Lustrous Librarian
  240. Resilient Supervillain
  241. Unflappable Ghost Hunter
  242. Resilient Assassin
  243. Playful Bodyguard
  244. Heartwarming Gladiator
  245. Jubilant Geneticist
  246. Optimistic Shopkeep
  247. Charming Henchperson
  248. Jovial Detective
  249. Nurturing Space Explorer
  250. Thoughtful Vigilante
  251. Gentle Gladiator
  252. Friendly Samurai
  253. Intrepid Fire Fighter
  254. Nimble Gangster
  255. Enchanting Thug
  256. Harmonious Philanderer
  257. Resilient Alchemist
  258. Bombastic Explorer
  259. Nurturing Overlord
  260. Intrepid Philanderer
  261. Resilient Designer
  262. Silky Marine
  263. Blistering Roboticist
  264. Delightful Necromancer
  265. Ineffable Astronaut
  266. Radical Designer
  267. Enchanting Writer
  268. Joyful Police Officer
  269. Resilient Smuggler
  270. Thoughtful Gambler
  271. Unassuming Model
  272. Whimsical Ghost
  273. Delightful Designer
  274. Alluring Doctor
  275. Radiant Novelist
  276. Radical Gladiator
  277. Blissful Bounty Hunter
  278. Uplifting Barber
  279. Kooky Sorcerer
  280. Melodic Philanderer
  281. Keen Secret Agent
  282. Zealous Gangster
  283. Intrepid Astronaut
  284. Unassuming Royal
  285. Jazzy Bodyguard
  286. Mesmerizing Revolutionary
  287. Darling Witch
  288. Gentle Martial Artist
  289. Energetic Warrior
  290. Outstanding Bounty Hunter
  291. Opulent Writer
  292. Ineffable Journalist
  293. Opinionated Psychic
  294. Graceful Private Investigator
  295. Gracious Hunter
  296. Kind Superhero
  297. Graceful Shopkeep
  298. Vibrant Space Explorer
  299. Passionate Spy
  300. Serene Ghost

1001+ Original Character Ideas You Can Use Right Now (And How To Come Up With More Ideas) | CharacterHub (8)

Character Concepts 301 - 600

  1. Quaint Ninja
  2. Calm Wanderer
  3. Energetic Knight
  4. Kind-hearted Martial Artist
  5. Exuberant Explorer
  6. Delightful Philanderer
  7. Magnificent Sailor
  8. Lovely Serial Killer
  9. Harmonious Ghost
  10. Chic Henchperson
  11. Graceful Doctor
  12. Beguiling Diplomat
  13. Zesty Supervillain
  14. Klutzy Mercenary
  15. Kind-hearted Sniper
  16. Winsome Corporate Climber
  17. Zealous Shaman
  18. Lively Bounty Hunter
  19. Exquisite Explorer
  20. Kind-hearted Pirate
  21. Harmonious Sniper
  22. Whimsical Police Officer
  23. Vivacious Spy
  24. Radiant Lancer
  25. Zany Secret Agent
  26. Magnificent Kingpin
  27. Loquacious Gladiator
  28. Unflappable Psychic
  29. Passionate Gladiator
  30. Nimble Assassin
  31. Enchanting Politician
  32. Radiant Hacker
  33. Luminous Politician
  34. Harmful Journalist
  35. Klutzy Sniper
  36. Delightful Space Pirate
  37. Nurturing Scientist
  38. Darling Chef
  39. Noble Samurai
  40. Zesty Philanderer
  41. Tactful Writer
  42. Playful Alchemist
  43. Blistering Gambler
  44. Exquisite Spy
  45. Joyful Astronaut
  46. Calm Royal
  47. Bombastic NetRunner
  48. Zesty Raconteur
  49. Blistering Bard
  50. Glorious Shaman
  51. Nurturing Corporate Climber
  52. Serene Model
  53. Jolly Witch
  54. Dynamic Shaman
  55. Jubilant Police Officer
  56. Blistering Bounty Hunter
  57. Beguiling Explorer
  58. Piquant Swordsman
  59. Alluring Barbarian
  60. Passionate Assassin
  61. Outstanding Lancer
  62. Zesty Diplomat
  63. Jubilant Gambler
  64. Playful Supervillain
  65. Tenacious Chef
  66. Youthful Alchemist
  67. Unflappable Sheriff
  68. Exuberant Mercenary
  69. Passionate Scientist
  70. Vivacious Marine
  71. Radiant Model
  72. Daring Librarian
  73. Bombastic Chef
  74. Unflappable Space Explorer
  75. Opinionated Thug
  76. Passionate Gangster
  77. Gleaming Artist
  78. Inventive Ghost Hunter
  79. Jolly Barber
  80. Inspiring Wizard
  81. Outstanding Sailor
  82. Sincere Thug
  83. Elegant Witch
  84. Captivating NetRunner
  85. Zealous Bodyguard
  86. Klutzy Sorcerer
  87. Beguiling Designer
  88. Blissful Inventor
  89. Heartwarming Warrior
  90. Tenacious Office Worker
  91. Witty Kingpin
  92. Beguiling Wizard
  93. Kind Cowboy
  94. Cheerful Fire Fighter
  95. Daring NetRunner
  96. Zany Witch
  97. Lustrous Chef
  98. Tactful Ninja
  99. Bold Politician
  100. Tactful Sailor
  101. Ingenious Bard
  102. Dynamic Slacker
  103. Gentle Inventor
  104. Winsome Con Artist
  105. Thoughtful Space Explorer
  106. Calm Doctor
  107. Festive Model
  108. Unflappable Fighter
  109. Vibrant Astronaut
  110. Captivating Writer
  111. Cheerful Explorer
  112. Quirky Lancer
  113. Nifty Artist
  114. Chic Roboticist
  115. Lively Zoologist
  116. Gracious Time Traveler
  117. Modest Private Investigator
  118. Unique Office Worker
  119. Charming Knight
  120. Jolly Werewolf
  121. Opulent Warlock
  122. Calm Secret Agent
  123. Opinionated NetRunner
  124. Harmful Politician
  125. Melodic Nurse
  126. Nurturing Ghost Hunter
  127. Optimistic NetRunner
  128. Captivating Ghost Hunter
  129. Lustrous Sailor
  130. Beguiling Bounty Hunter
  131. Magnificent Explorer
  132. Blistering Chef
  133. Blissful Royal
  134. Outstanding Pirate
  135. Jovial Ghost Hunter
  136. Kooky Gambler
  137. Dazzling Police Officer
  138. Tranquil Time Traveler
  139. Refined Royal
  140. Winsome Astronaut
  141. Zesty Ghost Hunter
  142. Luminous Shaman
  143. Amicable Diplomat
  144. Youthful Gambler
  145. Unassuming Shaman
  146. Joyful Archaeologist
  147. Spirited Police Officer
  148. Dynamic Mercenary
  149. Opinionated Model
  150. Heartwarming Space Explorer
  151. Energetic Lancer
  152. Calm Cartographer
  153. Modest Witch
  154. Modest Model
  155. Kooky Henchperson
  156. Alluring Cowboy
  157. Darling Shaman
  158. Quirky Zoologist
  159. Nurturing Gladiator
  160. Unique Raconteur
  161. Whimsical Cowboy
  162. Playful Royal
  163. Alluring Artist
  164. Bombastic Necromancer
  165. Glorious Explorer
  166. Nifty Barbarian
  167. Klutzy Shaman
  168. Jazzy Explorer
  169. Refined Mechanic
  170. Melodic Martial Artist
  171. Fearless Fighter
  172. Graceful Scholar
  173. Quaint Scientist
  174. Zany Shopkeep
  175. Cheerful Martial Artist
  176. Festive Con Artist
  177. Gleaming Office Worker
  178. Darling Spy
  179. Poised Alchemist
  180. Graceful Mercenary
  181. Jazzy Model
  182. Opulent Roboticist
  183. Kind Necromancer
  184. Opinionated Barbarian
  185. Magnificent Vtuber
  186. Exuberant Necromancer
  187. Exquisite Cartographer
  188. Winsome Pirate
  189. Lovely Doctor
  190. Alluring Raconteur
  191. Kooky Swordsman
  192. Ingenious Barbarian
  193. Keen Time Traveler
  194. Gentle Necromancer
  195. Piquant Chef
  196. Serene Nurse
  197. Daring Swordsman
  198. Opulent Werewolf
  199. Vivacious Chef
  200. Keen Pirate
  201. Kind Roboticist
  202. Exuberant Wizard
  203. Kind Diplomat
  204. Bombastic Supervillain
  205. Alluring Wanderer
  206. Radiant Thug
  207. Dynamic Supervillain
  208. Loquacious Inventor
  209. Magnificent Vigilante
  210. Tenacious Bard
  211. Modest Nurse
  212. Jubilant Engineer
  213. Daring Henchperson
  214. Captivating Gambler
  215. Jazzy Royal
  216. Friendly Bounty Hunter
  217. Gleaming Designer
  218. Kind-hearted Politician
  219. Vivacious Merchant
  220. Gracious Shaman
  221. Blissful Bodyguard
  222. Harmful Royal
  223. Calm Roboticist
  224. Adorable Ghost
  225. Graceful Explorer
  226. Zany Philanderer
  227. Tranquil Journalist
  228. Lovely Librarian
  229. Inspiring Mechanic
  230. Zealous Royal
  231. Nifty Space Pirate
  232. Optimistic Explorer
  233. Jovial Bodyguard
  234. Bombastic Witch
  235. Modest Sniper
  236. Friendly Ghost Hunter
  237. Elegant Smuggler
  238. Jubilant Vigilante
  239. Nimble Necromancer
  240. Elegant Corporate Climber
  241. Kind-hearted Shopkeep
  242. Heartwarming Philanderer
  243. Blissful Vigilante
  244. Amicable Zoologist
  245. Optimistic Model
  246. Graceful Vampire
  247. Radical Politician
  248. Refined Ghost Hunter
  249. Outstanding Martial Artist
  250. Playful Doctor
  251. Jovial Space Explorer
  252. Loquacious Archaeologist
  253. Outstanding Time Traveler
  254. Unflappable Mercenary
  255. Klutzy Detective
  256. Spirited Explorer
  257. Playful Time Traveler
  258. Gracious Engineer
  259. Bombastic Merchant
  260. Exquisite Lancer
  261. Kind-hearted Swordsman
  262. Tactful Corporate Climber
  263. Radiant Mechanic
  264. Chic Space Explorer
  265. Unique Kingpin
  266. Intrepid Cartographer
  267. Graceful Inventor
  268. Heartwarming Fighter
  269. Exquisite Smuggler
  270. Quizzical Shopkeep
  271. Lustrous Supervillain
  272. Heartwarming Shopkeep
  273. Festive Bard
  274. Zany Necromancer
  275. Thoughtful Necromancer
  276. Thoughtful Witch
  277. Cheerful Gladiator
  278. Ineffable Spy
  279. Bombastic Time Traveler
  280. Quirky Engineer
  281. Zealous Kingpin
  282. Youthful Scientist
  283. Tenacious Gambler
  284. Bombastic Alchemist
  285. Harmonious Samurai
  286. Vivacious NetRunner
  287. Serene Journalist
  288. Jovial Explorer
  289. Enchanting Philanderer
  290. Exquisite NetRunner
  291. Daring Kingpin
  292. Vibrant Assassin
  293. Youthful Slacker
  294. Loquacious Engineer
  295. Silky Pirate
  296. Inspiring Philanderer
  297. Winsome Fighter
  298. Silky Warlock
  299. Enchanting Model
  300. Lustrous Vampire

1001+ Original Character Ideas You Can Use Right Now (And How To Come Up With More Ideas) | CharacterHub (9)

Character Concepts 601 - 900

  1. Piquant Sheriff
  2. Bold Sheriff
  3. Luminous Serial Killer
  4. Klutzy Vigilante
  5. Quizzical Warlock
  6. Majestic Fire Fighter
  7. Quaint Kingpin
  8. Inspiring Gambler
  9. Unflappable Lancer
  10. Dazzling Shaman
  11. Resilient Merchant
  12. Opinionated Alchemist
  13. Elegant Ninja
  14. Chic Geneticist
  15. Blissful Ghost
  16. Brave Gambler
  17. Refined Supervillain
  18. Vivacious Detective
  19. Dazzling Overlord
  20. Witty Vampire
  21. Youthful Psychic
  22. Youthful Politician
  23. Spirited Warlock
  24. Jazzy Wizard
  25. Exquisite Sheriff
  26. Quaint Cartographer
  27. Energetic Slacker
  28. Adorable Sorcerer
  29. Sincere Explorer
  30. Ingenious Corporate Climber
  31. Fearless NetRunner
  32. Joyful Scholar
  33. Jovial Mechanic
  34. Keen Serial Killer
  35. Delightful Serial Killer
  36. Lovely Marine
  37. Graceful Space Pirate
  38. Festive Office Worker
  39. Inspiring Novelist
  40. Friendly Barber
  41. Elegant Wanderer
  42. Bombastic Engineer
  43. Kooky Athlete
  44. Jolly Wizard
  45. Enchanting Gladiator
  46. Luminous Sniper
  47. Jazzy Diplomat
  48. Zealous Warlock
  49. Youthful Vigilante
  50. Elegant Geneticist
  51. Vivacious Kingpin
  52. Exquisite Ghost Hunter
  53. Elegant Gambler
  54. Sincere Space Explorer
  55. Loquacious Ghost Hunter
  56. Delightful Athlete
  57. Whimsical Bodyguard
  58. Noble Scholar
  59. Zany Sailor
  60. Tactful Lancer
  61. Adorable Warlock
  62. Opinionated Scientist
  63. Majestic Gangster
  64. Cheerful Sailor
  65. Poised Assassin
  66. Brave Revolutionary
  67. Poised Merchant
  68. Graceful Assassin
  69. Uplifting Vigilante
  70. Lovely Model
  71. Passionate Samurai
  72. Elegant Henchperson
  73. Kooky Sniper
  74. Thoughtful Shopkeep
  75. Noble Marine
  76. Friendly Chef
  77. Uplifting Lancer
  78. Dazzling Scientist
  79. Ineffable Samurai
  80. Luminous Shopkeep
  81. Cheerful Ghost Hunter
  82. Joyful Designer
  83. Quizzical Nurse
  84. Uplifting Vtuber
  85. Captivating Shopkeep
  86. Harmful Corporate Climber
  87. Lovely Fighter
  88. Spirited Chef
  89. Lively Space Pirate
  90. Piquant Gangster
  91. Intrepid Writer
  92. Mesmerizing Superhero
  93. Zealous Librarian
  94. Enchanting Vampire
  95. Klutzy Mechanic
  96. Quaint Witch
  97. Unflappable Designer
  98. Opulent Barbarian
  99. Lustrous Hunter
  100. Jolly Smuggler
  101. Gracious Geneticist
  102. Resilient Doctor
  103. Unassuming Cowboy
  104. Vibrant Henchperson
  105. Melodic Slacker
  106. Outstanding Smuggler
  107. Passionate Barber
  108. Inspiring Scientist
  109. Darling Sniper
  110. Tactful Cowboy
  111. Outstanding Designer
  112. Jazzy Writer
  113. Whimsical Wizard
  114. Melodic Alchemist
  115. Beguiling Bodyguard
  116. Harmful Explorer
  117. Gentle Vampire
  118. Exquisite Genius
  119. Blistering Swordsman
  120. Delightful Hacker
  121. Kind Barber
  122. Noble Chef
  123. Enchanting Barber
  124. Sincere Pirate
  125. Radiant Geneticist
  126. Quaint Corporate Climber
  127. Kooky Warlock
  128. Glorious Psychic
  129. Elegant Merchant
  130. Elegant Diplomat
  131. Adorable Novelist
  132. Outstanding Librarian
  133. Unassuming Geneticist
  134. Jolly Wanderer
  135. Friendly Fire Fighter
  136. Passionate Nurse
  137. Enchanting Ghost Hunter
  138. Glorious Hacker
  139. Zesty Merchant
  140. Ingenious Mercenary
  141. Loquacious Wanderer
  142. Nimble Royal
  143. Serene Lancer
  144. Silky Bard
  145. Magnificent Gangster
  146. Majestic Swordsman
  147. Cheerful Novelist
  148. Harmonious Marine
  149. Glorious Scholar
  150. Winsome Fire Fighter
  151. Calm Merchant
  152. Beguiling Corporate Climber
  153. Jazzy Police Officer
  154. Uplifting Witch
  155. Mesmerizing Gambler
  156. Inspiring Explorer
  157. Harmful Witch
  158. Mesmerizing Samurai
  159. Friendly Nurse
  160. Fearless Space Pirate
  161. Mesmerizing Chef
  162. Sincere Lancer
  163. Quaint Wizard
  164. Unflappable Wizard
  165. Dynamic Journalist
  166. Sincere Sniper
  167. Tactful Spy
  168. Graceful Gambler
  169. Heartwarming Novelist
  170. Ingenious Cowboy
  171. Gentle Athlete
  172. Bold Spy
  173. Harmonious Office Worker
  174. Dazzling Office Worker
  175. Heartwarming Office Worker
  176. Festive Samurai
  177. Klutzy Bard
  178. Youthful Roboticist
  179. Beguiling Serial Killer
  180. Optimistic Werewolf
  181. Elegant Assassin
  182. Serene Alchemist
  183. Tranquil Martial Artist
  184. Winsome Ninja
  185. Quizzical Writer
  186. Sincere Writer
  187. Piquant Vtuber
  188. Quirky Sheriff
  189. Blissful Superhero
  190. Inventive Knight
  191. Quirky Inventor
  192. Quizzical Designer
  193. Opulent Merchant
  194. Inspiring Swordsman
  195. Jolly Martial Artist
  196. Cheerful Inventor
  197. Elegant Supervillain
  198. Zany Athlete
  199. Ingenious Hunter
  200. Unflappable Barbarian
  201. Passionate Warlock
  202. Unassuming Hunter
  203. Sincere Fighter
  204. Blissful Private Investigator
  205. Jolly Writer
  206. Jovial Lancer
  207. Vibrant Athlete
  208. Joyful Serial Killer
  209. Cheerful Bodyguard
  210. Ingenious Fighter
  211. Gentle Ninja
  212. Jolly Genius
  213. Kooky Witch
  214. Nifty Writer
  215. Nifty Ninja
  216. Ineffable Martial Artist
  217. Inspiring Secret Agent
  218. Quizzical Revolutionary
  219. Bombastic Nurse
  220. Lustrous Merchant
  221. Opulent Detective
  222. Lustrous Mercenary
  223. Modest Bounty Hunter
  224. Outstanding Secret Agent
  225. Magnificent Bard
  226. Magnificent Philanderer
  227. Tactful Zoologist
  228. Refined Space Pirate
  229. Joyful Roboticist
  230. Silky Time Traveler
  231. Quaint Space Explorer
  232. Gentle Astronaut
  233. Nifty Explorer
  234. Ineffable Henchperson
  235. Radiant Necromancer
  236. Luminous Necromancer
  237. Adorable Writer
  238. Brave Mechanic
  239. Dynamic Librarian
  240. Optimistic Vigilante
  241. Zealous Ghost
  242. Loquacious Sniper
  243. Charming Space Explorer
  244. Opinionated Ghost
  245. Elegant Knight
  246. Sincere Merchant
  247. Friendly Doctor
  248. Zealous Scientist
  249. Silky Gladiator
  250. Fearless Gangster
  251. Dynamic Fighter
  252. Brave Sailor
  253. Zany Sheriff
  254. Beguiling Politician
  255. Dazzling Vtuber
  256. Blissful Doctor
  257. Majestic Engineer
  258. Blissful Cartographer
  259. Whimsical Pirate
  260. Gracious Ghost Hunter
  261. Lovely Warrior
  262. Fearless Fire Fighter
  263. Quirky Revolutionary
  264. Tenacious Cowboy
  265. Playful Slacker
  266. Darling Warrior
  267. Zesty NetRunner
  268. Blistering Librarian
  269. Tranquil Lancer
  270. Kind Geneticist
  271. Nimble Martial Artist
  272. Opinionated Smuggler
  273. Modest Corporate Climber
  274. Calm Spy
  275. Quaint Sheriff
  276. Gentle Shaman
  277. Beguiling Samurai
  278. Tactful Time Traveler
  279. Radical NetRunner
  280. Winsome Ghost
  281. Gentle Lancer
  282. Bold Assassin
  283. Inspiring Office Worker
  284. Chic Fighter
  285. Klutzy Marine
  286. Piquant Scholar
  287. Sincere Secret Agent
  288. Blissful Serial Killer
  289. Gracious Vtuber
  290. Uplifting Geneticist
  291. Charming Wanderer
  292. Jovial Bard
  293. Youthful Mechanic
  294. Exquisite Knight
  295. Uplifting Vampire
  296. Captivating Secret Agent
  297. Opinionated Merchant
  298. Silky Corporate Climber
  299. Kind-hearted Journalist
  300. Modest Inventor

Share Your New OCs On CharacterHub

We’ve delivered 101 detailed concepts of the thousands of possible character concepts. We’ve also provided an additional 900 pairings, giving you plenty of inspiration for original characters. Plus, whatever adjectives and nouns you add, easily modify the basic structure. The inspiration is quite literally endless.

Once you’ve developed any number of OCs using the dual-word method or whatever process jump-starts your original character ideas, you need a place to save them to work on them. Consider registering your new OC idea on CharacterHub, where you can create an expanding, customizable profile of your latest creation. You can even share your OC with the larger community, engage in roleplay, and create larger story worlds for them.

1001+ Original Character Ideas You Can Use Right Now (And How To Come Up With More Ideas) | CharacterHub (10)
1001+ Original Character Ideas You Can Use Right Now (And How To Come Up With More Ideas) | CharacterHub (11)

1001+ Original Character Ideas You Can Use Right Now (And How To Come Up With More Ideas) | CharacterHub (12)

About the author

David Davis

David Davis is a cartoonist with around twenty years of experience in comics, including independent work and established IPs such as SpongeBob Squarepants. He also works as a college composition instructor and records weekly podcasts. Find out more about him at his website!

Find Out More

1001+ Original Character Ideas You Can Use Right Now (And How To Come Up With More Ideas) |  CharacterHub (2024)


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Author: Arielle Torp

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Views: 5606

Rating: 4 / 5 (61 voted)

Reviews: 84% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arielle Torp

Birthday: 1997-09-20

Address: 87313 Erdman Vista, North Dustinborough, WA 37563

Phone: +97216742823598

Job: Central Technology Officer

Hobby: Taekwondo, Macrame, Foreign language learning, Kite flying, Cooking, Skiing, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Arielle Torp, I am a comfortable, kind, zealous, lovely, jolly, colorful, adventurous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.