Join the Hunter's Quest with Demon Hunter Idle Beginner Guide and Tips-Game Guides-LDPlayer (2024)

Welcome to the world of Demon Hunter Idle, where every step you take is a stride towards greater power and mastery. This guide is designed to help beginners navigate the intricacies of the game, offering tips and strategies to optimize your journey. Whether you're slaying demons, exploring dungeons, or leveling up your skills and equipment, our guide provides the essential knowledge you need to progress efficiently.

Table of Contents

  • Get the Ad Buff
  • How to Progress in Demon Hunter Idle
    • Fight Bosses
  • Level up Your Stats
  • Equip the Best Equipment
    • Choosing Skills
  • Get a Familiar
  • Explore Every Dungeon
  • Choose the Best Talents
  • Conclusion

Join the Hunter's Quest with Demon Hunter Idle Beginner Guide and Tips-Game Guides-LDPlayer (1)

From understanding the importance of buffs and selecting the right equipment to mastering dungeons and choosing the best talents, we've got you covered. Play Demon Hunter Idle on PC with LDPlayer and take on the Hunter's Quest with confidence and transform your character into an unstoppable force in the realm of Demon Hunters.

Get the Ad Buff

As soon as you start playing Demon Hunter Idle, you'll encounter the Event Hot Time. This event offers several significant benefits:

Join the Hunter's Quest with Demon Hunter Idle Beginner Guide and Tips-Game Guides-LDPlayer (2)

  • Increased Stage Gold Income: Boosts the amount of gold you earn per stage.
  • Experience Gain Boost: Increases your experience gain by 100%.
  • Room Movement Speed Increase: Doubles your movement speed within rooms.

Activating this buff grants you these benefits for 30 minutes. Watching a second ad can extend the duration to 1 hour and 30 minutes. This kind of buff is incredibly useful for accelerating your progression.

As you progress further, you'll unlock a more permanent ad buff that you can activate every 30 minutes. This buff provides:

  • Gold Income Boost: Increases the gold you earn.
  • HP Boost: Enhances your character's health points.
  • Attack Boost: Strengthens your character's attack power.

Keeping this buff active is crucial because it starts to accumulate its own experience points. Once it reaches the required amount, you can level up the buff to enhance the bonuses it provides. To maximize your progression, ensure this buff is always active. The longer you keep it activated, the more significant the boosts you will receive over time.

How to Progress in Demon Hunter Idle

Progressing in Demon Hunter Idle is easier than you might think. Once you activate the first day event buff and the ad buff, the next step is to focus on the repeatable quests displayed under these buffs. These quests typically include tasks like:

Join the Hunter's Quest with Demon Hunter Idle Beginner Guide and Tips-Game Guides-LDPlayer (3)

  • Summoning a specific number of weapons, items, and skills.
  • Killing a certain number of enemies.
  • Fighting a set number of bosses.

Completing these quests not only helps you progress but also levels up your gacha system. The gacha system in Demon Hunter Idle has a leveling mechanism—each time you use it, you gain gacha experience points. As the gacha system levels up, your chances of obtaining higher-level equipment increase, making your character more powerful. Additionally, you earn gems, summoning tickets, and boxes from these quests. It is recommended to use only the tickets earned from repeatable quests for summons and save your gems for acquiring familiars, as familiars do not have a free ticket system.

Fight Bosses

The main idle fighting section of the game has two modes: Normal Mode and Boss Mode.

Join the Hunter's Quest with Demon Hunter Idle Beginner Guide and Tips-Game Guides-LDPlayer (4)

  • Normal Mode: In this mode, you won't encounter bosses, and the rewards are lower. However, it's perfect for farming because you are unlikely to die, allowing you to run the game in the background while doing other tasks.
  • Boss Mode: This mode is essential for progressing through chapters. By defeating a boss multiple times, you clear the chapter and move to the next one. Make sure to switch between modes based on your power level to optimize your progress.

By balancing these modes and focusing on repeatable quests, you'll find yourself progressing efficiently in Demon Hunter Idle.

Level up Your Stats

As you progress in Demon Hunter Idle, you might notice your character dying more frequently. This usually happens when you neglect to upgrade your stats. To address this, hit the character button in the lower-left section of the screen and navigate to the gold upgrade section. Here, you'll find three primary stats:

Join the Hunter's Quest with Demon Hunter Idle Beginner Guide and Tips-Game Guides-LDPlayer (5)

  • Attack: Increases your damage output.
  • Vitality: Boosts your health pool.
  • Defense: Reduces the damage you take.

In the early stages, it's advisable to spend all your gold on leveling up these stats until you run out. This is a worthwhile investment as it ensures your character can progress without being hampered by low stats. You'll continuously earn more gold, so don't worry about saving it.

As you advance, you'll unlock additional stats such as experience gain and gold gain. Prioritize upgrading these next to increase your earnings, even without the ad buff activated. Once you unlock the critical chance stat, it should become your priority. Every enemy has physical resistance to critical attacks, so having a high critical rating allows you to perform critical attacks more frequently.

After that, focus on upgrading your super armor attack. This stat determines your damage against enemies wearing super armor, making it crucial for dealing with tougher opponents. By systematically upgrading these stats, you'll ensure that your character becomes stronger and more resilient, allowing you to progress more smoothly through the game.

Equip the Best Equipment

The weapons in Demon Hunter Idle can be confusing to rate, as their effectiveness goes beyond just color. To find the best gear, you would typically have to check each piece individually. To simplify this process, use the auto-equip option. This feature automatically equips your character with the highest-rated gear you have.

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However, equipping the best gear isn't enough. As you summon more items, you'll get duplicates of the same gear. Use the upgrade button to sacrifice these duplicates and level up your current equipment. This process enhances your gear's stats, making your character more powerful and better equipped to handle tougher enemies.

Choosing Skills

Unlike weapons and armor, there isn't an auto-equip button for skills in Demon Hunter Idle, so you'll need to select them manually. Here’s how to optimize your skills:

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  1. Understand Skill Rarity: Like equipment, skills in Demon Hunter Idle have different rarities. To check the rarity of a skill, click on it and look at the top right corner of the skill description card. You will also see the required weapon type for equipping the skill next to its rarity. Make sure to match your skills with your weapon type, especially if you change classes.
  2. Consider Skill Types: Think about the context in which you'll be using the skills. Decide whether you need:
    • Low Damage, Fast Cooldown Skills: Ideal for continuous attacks.
    • Area of Effect (AOE) Skills: Great for handling multiple enemies.
    • High Damage, Splash Skills: Perfect for dealing significant damage to tougher enemies.
  3. Read each skill’s description carefully to understand its cooldown and damage type before making your choice.
  4. Upgrade Your Skills: Collect skill copies from the gacha system and use them to level up your skills. When a skill reaches its maximum level, you can merge copies of the same skill to create a higher rarity skill. However, note that you cannot obtain skills higher than rare through merging.

By carefully selecting and upgrading your skills, you can tailor your character's abilities to best suit your playstyle and the challenges you face in Demon Hunter Idle.

Get a Familiar

To further increase your power in Demon Hunter Idle, focus on acquiring familiars. You can have up to three familiars active at a time, so make sure to select the highest rarity ones available. Spending your gems to obtain copies and level them up is essential. Familiars come with different skills that can significantly enhance your gameplay; some boost pistol damage, others enhance great sword damage, and some provide healing abilities or resource-gathering boosts. Choose familiars whose skills complement your playstyle and weapon choices.

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To level up your familiars, you'll need copies and experience potions. Copies can be obtained through the gacha system, while experience potions must be earned by spending soul dust in the Sealed Treasure Chest gacha. By carefully selecting and leveling up your familiars, you can significantly boost your character's power and efficiency in Demon Hunter Idle.

Explore Every Dungeon

In the initial phase of Demon Hunter Idle, you will only have access to normal enemies and stage bosses. However, as you progress, you'll unlock additional modes, including dungeons. The dungeon mode comprises several sub-dungeons, each offering specific rewards and Books of Promotion. These books are essential for changing classes, allowing you to tailor your character to match your preferred playstyle or focus on particular content. While not every dungeon attempt will yield Books of Promotion, you are guaranteed to receive the other rewards displayed on the dungeon banner.

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Each day, you have two free chances to play dungeons. After using these, you can watch ads to gain two additional chances, totaling four attempts per day. Utilizing all four chances maximizes your resource collection and increases your likelihood of obtaining Books of Promotion.

The content of each dungeon varies, so you might face single enemies, hordes, or challenges requiring you to deal a significant amount of damage. Therefore, it's crucial to set your dungeon familiar and skill presets appropriately. For instance, in Treasure Dungeons, your objective is to destroy the goblin cart before it reaches its goal, so you'll need high single-target damage skills and familiars. Conversely, in the Secret Garden, you will fight hordes of enemies, necessitating Area of Effect (AOE) skills and familiars with AOE abilities.

Make it a habit to choose the correct and most powerful familiars and skills for each dungeon before entering to ensure the best results.

Choose the Best Talents

Another way to boost your power in Demon Hunter Idle is by selecting the right talents. Talents become available once you reach level 275, and they can either enhance your existing stats or provide entirely new ones.

For instance, the penetration stat is particularly useful for increasing damage. In contrast, boosting defense and vitality only adds to what you already have. Therefore, when choosing between a stat boost you can level up and a new stat, opting for the new one is usually the wiser choice.

It's also essential to consider the specific benefits of each talent. Some talents might increase your attack by a certain percentage, but upon closer inspection, you might find that this boost only applies to bosses or normal monsters. Therefore, it's crucial to change your talents frequently to match your current activities in the game.

Changing talents is easy and cost-free. Simply visit the talent section, tap on one of the inactive talents from each row, and it will become active. The previously active talent will then become inactive. By regularly updating your talents to suit your needs, you can maximize your character's effectiveness and adaptability in various situations.


With the strategies and tips provided in this guide, you're well-equipped to conquer the challenges in Demon Hunter Idle. By optimizing your buffs, selecting the best equipment and skills, mastering dungeon tactics, and choosing the right talents, you'll progress more efficiently and enjoy a smoother, more rewarding gaming experience. Dive into the Hunter's Quest with confidence and watch your character grow into a formidable force against the forces of darkness. Happy hunting!

Join the Hunter's Quest with Demon Hunter Idle Beginner Guide and Tips-Game Guides-LDPlayer (2024)


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