Skyrim Leather Guide - Scrolls Guided (2024)

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Xavier Geitz

Xavier is a featured contributor for Scrolls Guided. His adventure into the Elder Scrolls series started as a filthy casual child playing Morrowind on the Original Xbox. He would dive back into Vvardenfell properly on PC years later and has refused to leave. While he thoroughly enjoys other Elder Scrolls games, Morrowind remains his favorite Elder Scrolls game and game period.

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Table of Contents

  • What is Leather?
  • How Do You Get Leather?
    • Purchase Leather From Merchants
    • Tanning Animal Pelts and Hides
  • What Animal Pelts and Hides are There?
  • What Are the Best Animal Pelts/Hides to Farm?
  • Should I Purchase Animal Hides/Pelts?
  • What's the Best Way to Get Leather in Skyrim?
  • What is the Use Of Leather in Skyrim?
    • Leather Strips
  • Weapon/Armor Smithing
  • Armor Tempering
  • What is the Best Use of Leather In Skyrim?
  • FAQs
    • Question: Why focus on crafting armor over weapons?
    • Question: Why can't I improve an armor set if I have the leather required to improve it?
    • Question: Are armor sets that use up a lot of leather ever worth crafting?
  • Skyrim Leather Guide: Conclusion

There are many materials in Skyrim with which you can create all sorts of weapons and armor. Some require a little mining and smelting, while others need hunting and tanning.

Out of all the crafting components in Skyrim, leather is the most important. Regardless of whether you favor Light or Heavy Armor, you need leather. Without it, you won’t be able to smith any weapons or armor. And sure, you could buy your gear from blacksmiths, but you’d be restricting yourself to lower-tier equipment until the game’s leveling system decides to allow you to make any upgrades.

Why wait when we don’t need to? Let’s get in touch with our inner hunter and do the dirty work ourselves. How about you pull up a stool and find the nearest tanning rack? We’ve got some work to do.

What is Leather?

Leather is a crafting material in Skyrim, necessary in one form or another for creating every armor piece or weapon.

How Do You Get Leather?

There are two primary ways of obtaining leather in Skyrim:

Purchase Leather From Merchants

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The easiest way to get your hands on mass quantities of leather in Skyrim is to purchase it from merchants. Blacksmiths will always be your best source of leather. Roaming hunters will have some for sale, as well.

Tanning Animal Pelts and Hides

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If you prefer a more hands-on approach to obtaining your leather, tanning racks are for you.Any animal pelt or hide you find in Skyrim can then be taken to a tanning rack and converted into leather.

What Animal Pelts and Hides are There?

There are 14 possible animal pelts/hides you can obtain in Skyrim. How much leather you get from this process depends on which kind of animal hide you are tanning.

  • Bear pelt: 4 leather per 1 pelt
  • Cave bear pelt: 4 leather per 1 pelt
  • Snow bear pelt: 4 leather per 1 pelt
  • Cow hide: 3 leather per 1 pelt
  • Deer hide (Deer): 2 leather per 1 hide
  • Deer hide (Elk): 2 leather per 1 hide
  • Fox pelt: 1 leather per 1 pelt
  • Goat hide: 1 leather per 2 hides
  • Horse hide: 3 leather per 1 hide
  • Ice wolf pelt: 1 leather per 1 pelt
  • Sabre cat pelt: 4 leather per 1 pelt
  • Sabre cat snow pelt: 4 leather per 1 pelt
  • Snow fox pelt: 1 leather per 1 pelt
  • Wolf pelt: 1 leather per 1 pelt

What Are the Best Animal Pelts/Hides to Farm?

Skyrim Leather Guide - Scrolls Guided (5)

Bears and sabre cats give the most leather per pelt, but are also the most dangerous. In the early game, several hits from either will be enough to kill you.

Cows and horses are second best but come with a caveat; wild cows and horses border on non-existent. If you want to farm them for their hides, you’ll have to poach people’s animals. Not only is this illegal, but very limited.Deer are easy pickings so long as you’re not on Legendary difficulty.

If you are, you’ll probably run into humbling experiences of not being able to one-shot deer (Until you level up).

Skyrim Leather Guide - Scrolls Guided (6)

With all that said, wolves will be the best animal to hunt for the early-mid game. They’re easy to kill and typically travel in packs. Once you get stronger, you can actively seek out bears and sabre cats. You may also want to save one ice wolf pelt for a Frost Atronach recipe at the Atronach Forge.

Should I Purchase Animal Hides/Pelts?

Yes and no. It depends on how the merchant feels about you, how much gold you have, how much you’ve invested into the Haggling perk, and which hide or pelts.

Skyrim Leather Guide - Scrolls Guided (7)

Even with 5/5 Haggling, bear pelts are technically never worth buying. It’s cheaper to buy four leather than to buy a bear pelt. Similarly, goat pelts aren’t worth buying early on due to needing two hides per leather.

Skyrim Leather Guide - Scrolls Guided (8)

Every other pelt/hide beneath bear pelts gets the green light if you have high Speech/Haggling. With little/no investment in Haggling, everything except bear pelts, goat hides, and wolf pelts are pretty good deals.

What’s the Best Way to Get Leather in Skyrim?

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You will need an obscene amount of leather for Smithing. For that reason, your only real option is to buy leather in bulk from blacksmiths. Of course, kill animals and get hides while out adventuring, but it would take an eternity to get all the leather you need just from that.

So while that, unfortunately, means that you’ll need to be quite wealthy, it definitely pays off in the long run. Do a merchant tour around Skyrim, and you’ll amass hundreds of leather quickly. Using some Fortify Smithing tricks, you can essentially get Smithing training for free.

What is the Use Of Leather in Skyrim?

Leather Strips

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You can break leather down into leather strips, which you will need for Smithing. Each piece of leather turns into four leather strips. You can also buy mass amounts of leather strips from blacksmiths, however, the costs quickly add up.

Weapon/Armor Smithing

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Nearly every weapon and armor piece in Skyrim requires leather and or leather strips. Weapons never need leather, only leather strips, while most armor requires both and in higher quantities. Larger armor pieces, like chest plates, obviously need more material than something like boots.

Armor Tempering

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Along with the standard armor sets that require leather to craft, various unique armor sets need leather if you want to improve them.

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These include the Dark Brotherhood’s Shrouded armor, Thieves Guild armor, Savior’s Hide, and Stormcloak armor.

What is the Best Use of Leather In Skyrim?

Like any other resource, you want to get the most bang for your buck when using leather/leather strips. That means avoiding crafting items that use an excessive amount of it.

Skyrim Leather Guide - Scrolls Guided (14)

I’m sure we all know about spamming iron daggers until 100 Smithing, but there are other great items to smith. I’m specifically talking about some armor chest pieces. But chest pieces also use the most resources, so you need to know which to make and avoid.

Armor sets like Hide, Studded, Leather, Imperial, and Scaled are all out. These sets require anywhere from 2-4 leather per chest piece and several leather strips on top of it. Glass and Elven aren’t terrible, but they take up leather too, so they’re out.

Ideally, you want to aim for armor sets that only use leather strips. But you also need to take into consideration what other materials are required.

Skyrim Leather Guide - Scrolls Guided (15)

Take Orcish armor, for example. No leather needed, just strips, which is excellent. However, orichalcum ore isn’t the easiest to come by, and you need four ingots per chest plate.

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Dwarven is another armor set you want to avoid. Just leather strips, no leather, but you also need dwarven metal, iron,andsteel ingots. That’s entirely too much material consumption for not enough payoff.

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Instead, I recommend the banded iron armor and shield. Both only require leather strips, iron ingots, and corundum ingots. All are materials you can get your hands on without trouble, even in the early game. And both these pieces of armor are great for leveling Smithing.

Once you acquire the Ebony Smithing perk, feel free to create Ebony armor pieces. Ebony ingots aren’t as hard to obtain as you might think, and the Smithing experience is top-notch.


Question: Why focus on crafting armor over weapons?

Answer: Chest pieces tend to be the most valuable, whether raw or tempered, which means more profit for you. I like to craft and improve a chest piece, then buy all the Smithing supplies from a blacksmith. After that, I get all my money back in one go by selling them the chest piece I just made.

Question: Why can’t I improve an armor set if I have the leather required to improve it?

Answer: Does the armor set have an enchantment? Any enchanted armor also requires the Arcane Blacksmith perk to be improved at a workbench.

Question: Are armor sets that use up a lot of leather ever worth crafting?

Answer: Yes, of course. Scaled armor is pretty good for Light Armor users, as is Elven and Glass. Feel free to craft these sets if actively using them for your Dragonborn. If it’s some Smithing experience you’re looking for, always give them a pass.

Skyrim Leather Guide: Conclusion

The heavy importance of leather in Skyrim is definitely something that initially threw me off guard. As a fantasy RPG fanatic, I’ve played my fair share of games where I roamed around in leather armor. For about 3-4 hours max, after which leather becomes a complete afterthought. But here, it’s a valuable commodity for the entire game.

Bethesda would go on to do the exact same thing in Fallout 4 with their crafting system, and I think it’s a pretty good move by Bethesda. In most games, you have items that become totally irrelevant after the early game.

But here, I think it positively contributes to staying more actively involved in the game world and continuing to hunt wildlife, even as a level 50 Dragonborn. Funnily enough, animal hides become better loot in the late game than actual loot like weapons and armor. If only someone made a mod for leather armor with gold trim.

But that’s another game and another story. With this guide, you know everything you need to know about leather and how to get the most out of it. You’re one step closer to becoming a Smithing master.

Skyrim Leather Guide - Scrolls Guided (2024)


What is the best hide for leather in Skyrim? ›

Sabre Cat Pelts and Fox Pelts are tied for the most efficient weight to leather ratio. Each unit of weight in pelts yields two leather.

What happens if you look at the Elder Scroll in Skyrim? ›

Reading from the scrolls can eventually lead to blindness or madness. For more information, see the lore article. Only one Elder Scroll appears in the base game. Two more are added by the Dawnguard official add-on.

Does making leather increase Smithing? ›

Ingots and leather strips do not contribute towards Smithing. Improving does. Got a skill increase from improving my sword last night. If you have a good collection of animal hides, that's fine, but a lot if armor and some weapons require both leather and leather strips to smith them.

How to make superior leather armor? ›

It can be upgraded with Leather at a workbench. However, it does not benefit from any Smithing perks. This means the armor cannot be improved past flawless quality without boosting the Smithing skill over 100. This can be achieved by using enchanted items and/or blacksmithing potions to fortify Smithing.

What is the strongest leather hide? ›

Kangaroo Leather

One of the central contenders for the title of most durable leather comes in the form of kangaroo leather.

What gives most Smithing XP in Skyrim? ›

While the easiest way to do this used to be by smithing iron daggers, a patch removed this glitch and changed Smithing leveling to scale with item worth rather than item quantity. This means that the fastest way to level up your Smithing attribute is by crafting gold rings.

How many leather bracers to get 100 Smithing? ›

Crafting leather braces yields ~38.4 xp according to the formula. According to uesp it requires a total of ~91 601 xp to level from 15 to 100 for smithing. Which means it will require crafting 2386 braces to reach 100.

How to get legendary leather armor in Skyrim? ›

to improve your leather armour you fort need a decent smithin level (about 20 should do the job) take your leather armour over to a workbench these are usualy found at blacksmith shops then select your leather armour and press the button that says craft then you will see the improvent level you get this can go from ...

Do you add Dex mod to leather armor? ›

Heavy armor doesn't let you add your Dexterity modifier to your Armor Class, but it also doesn't penalize you if your Dexterity modifier is negative. Ring⁠ Mail: This armor is leather armor with heavy rings sewn into it.

How to make legendary armor in Skyrim? ›

An item only becomes (Legendary) when it meets a certain threshold through Smithing. Any item that can be improved via Smithing can become (Legendary) with enough enchants and potions that improve you're smithing. You will need an effective skill level of 168 to make something (Legendary).

Can leather armor stop a bullet? ›

A Brief History of Armour: Building Up to Bullet Resistance

Leather armour offered little protection from forged metal weapons. Likewise, chainmail might stop a cutting edge but offered little support against a blunt force. The consensus with each of these developments was that hard armour performed best.

What animal hide makes the best leather? ›

Deer - One of the toughest leathers available not to mention abrasion resistant. Ostrich - Not only the finest but also the most durable leather. Buffalo - Extremely strong, durable and rugged on the contrary it is also soft and supple. Eel - Very thin and not strong however surprisingly soft, shiny and smooth.

What is the best part of a leather hide? ›

The butt is considered the noblest part of the hide. This area does not have a sinew and can therefore be cut in any direction. This area is especially used for parts that need more strength (girths, reins, harnesses, saddle quarters, etc.). Our Detian split leather is available in butt and half-butt.

What are the strongest hides? ›

Kangaroo leather is lighter and stronger than the hide of a cow or goat. It has 10 times the tensile strength of cowhide and is 50% stronger than goatskin.

Does horse hide make good leather? ›

Although horsehide leather is much harder to come by in modern days, it is still held in high regard for its strength, durability, and abrasion resistance.


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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.