The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE, SEYMOUR, INDIANA WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1977 PAGE FOURTEEN -dish Kirk gave4he-uive---will be served at noon TTac cation for the 32 members in -meat and drinks furnished; 1CUUH SIUJJ attendance andernaDavisEach member is asked te take- Have-Holida -a covered dish and -table ser Tlirlfv Tlinnpr meeUng by reading .,.1 UI KcJ a pdem entitled "The Pumpkin Hears-Reviewr Face," followed byevoUons The Tampico Extension Homemakers held their annual ship of First Baptist Church durj which the Admitted recently to' met recently at the church for oowi office were Bartholomew County Hospital, Mrs. W. Kaufman the club voted to make its reviewed Babbles: A Self annual contribution to CARE. Thanksgiving. supper Saturday evening at the Baptist Church erty Mrsr Tr-Pr Cordes reported en -mampi The turkeyrand dressing Mrg Bruner, Roy Tindall and Rainer were furnished ana eacn tTMMiftv, Mp.

ivwitt bimniir. j. JSft r- "Come, Ye Thankful People; the song of the month, was sung to open the meeting. Friday Magazine Club VFriends of the Library-luncheon at the Seymour Elks meeting which she and Club. Kessler recently attended.

Beverly Sills; nee Belle Mrs. Kenneth L.Fosbrink was NOW I Dear Asa: I have seen letters in your column from cats and dogs but never a canary. Let me be the first. -When I had feathers they were a buttercup yellowr My The prayer hymn was the -recording -secretary Mra-rson Griff in, Mrs. Lawrence' Verna Davis, devotional chair-.

Kelley, Donald Broadus and Marguerite! William-Clement -North Ver-Noblitt and Miss Eloise Har- hon; -Mrs. Jack; Quillen, tirtngton kitchen- committee Maurlee'Rose'-andiEdward hnmir anas a suesi ai we nieeun-, me 1 1 Roll call was 'what you said, has ccmeclubWlU' meeU next in wings were emerald green interspersed with blue and orange. OPEN- are thankful far" -J-a-nong way, from Brooklyn uecemrjcr. Why oon 1 1 nave leauiers: yuu bsk. Dwaioc uicic uc iuut Kirk-will remaim aavpresl-''' Davis; Columbus R8.

Released -I kids under six years of age in this family and they take turns SUNDAYS P.M. To 5 P.M.' SPENCER CRAFT I HOBBY 501 S-KM 7 EWINO S12-74M SETMOUi dent and leader. The group began organizing shuffleboard teams. The next meeting will be held at the church Dec. 13 at which time the morning and afternoon missionary circles will entertain were Charles Ison, Freetown; Mrs.

Delos Fawcett, Vernon; Mrs. Francis Miles and daughter, Mrs. Roger Williams, North Vernon; Mrs." Jose Columbus and Donald Thompson, Scipio. New- When-she- was named Woman of the Year in -the performing arts of 1975, it was simply additional recognition of the talent and ity that have won her critical and: popular' acclaim never before achieved by an American opera singer. Rave reviews in the cities she toured were followed by cover stories in "Time" and And finally her long-awaited debut- at the Metropolitan Opera was treated as Mrs.

Hooper Pledged By Local Sorority Ritual of Jewels Pledge Ritual was conferred upon Mrs. Don Hooper when Xi Epsilon Tau Exemplar Chapter of Beta Sigma Phi met Tuesday at the R. H. Ludwig were made, for Achievement Day which will be held Dec. 7 at the First Baptist Church in Seymour.

The Christmas party will be Dec. 13 at the home of Mrs. Steve Maxie with a grab bag exchange. Members end their families in attendance were Mr. and Mrs.

Woodard Bowling, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gambrel, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Garriott, Mr.

and Mrs. James Hehman, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Jones, Miss Mavis Jones, Mr. and torturing me.

I keep looking for an open window or a chance to get out the front door but so far no luck. I realize if I could escape, life would be very difficult for a house bird like me. But it's so bad in here, I'd take the chance: Please, Ann, give me some advice, I read your column regularly, Without A Song In Lansing Dear Without; Although I'm sure my column is on the bottom of many bird cages around the world, you are, indeed, the-first canary to write. When your letter appears in print, clip the column with your beak and hand it to the parent of your choice. You don't have to say anything.

They'll know. In the meantime, here's a word from me, in case you get too choked ufTQf Uiere's a mom or dad out there whose canary seems to be moulting out of keep 'a closer watch on your. kids. No child-under 10 years of age should be permitted to handle-a pet bird without adult supervision. anfares To be young Building.

a major news story throughout Mrs. Ludwig con- -States in ducted the-pledgeTitualr Mrs. Hassel Ratliff. Mr an andjrrFanfare Mrs: "Steve Maxi Mr nrf and LaUn America. Her televi assisted by Mrs.

Don Pridgen, Mrs. Charles Stewart and Mrs: What a lovely feeling to finally find a versatile shoe that fits your dress clothes 4 James Christian. Following the Mrs. Elmer Bobbins, Mrs. ion appearances-an hour Blanche Rosemeyer, Mrs.

lon6 special with Carol Burnett Elsiel Rosemeyer, anf andas-hostess-6n-a-talk Mrs." RirharH Vnnnioiin show-have brought fresh if wel to a T. And vyhen you slip into Fanfares. you a r'V' 1 slip into fashions! tan or black, $19.99 comed into Beta Sigma Phi by all her new A Prefer-, ential Tea was held in and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stur appreciation of her intelligence and wit.

The club members greatly Hooper's Dear Ann Landers: My husband is a hard worker, faithful and' kind. The problem is gluttony and a fixation on the television. It's regular fare for him to eat three dozen donuts, one bag of potato chips, several pounds of nuts and a couple of salami sandwiches in the course of 54) hours of watching television. His appearance is disgusting. He outweighs me by at least, 150 pounds and has a closet full of clothes that don't fit.

He refuses to give them away on the pretense that he's going on a diet "next week." He admits he has a neurotic eating problem enjoyed Mrs. Kaufman's, pre As the members took geon. Visitors were Elliott and daughters, Charles Crawford and daugh-. ters, Mrs. Con Jones, Mrs.

Omer Simpson and daughters sentation of behind-the-scenes, stories and pictures of life in grand opera. Mrs. Kaufman and Mrs. refreshments, each told of a special holiday tradition with different foods "prepared, and different' arts and crafts and Mr. and Mrs.

Harlan Ault Charles O. Roeger were hos-'renjoyed, he won't 'seek help. Our marriage is in big trouble but he tesses for the meeting. During a short business A fall bouquet with flowers meeting, it was announced that won't let me get counseling says, "They don't know anything." I've even examined my own behavior, thinking perhaps I drive him to eat, but I'm not a nagger and resent the guilt he has laid on me by inuendo. I'm busy with three preschool children, one who is handi-capped and.

requires special care. I get absolutely no help from fat stuff. 1 do EVERYTHING from paperwork to home canning to yard work to carpentry. I still love him, but my respect diminishes with every pound he puts on. Is neurotic overeating grounds for divorce? What about his health? He knows he's killing himself slowly with every bite he State Council Day will be held Mar.

5 at the Murat Shrine Temple. The Christmas Party will be held Dec. 10 at 8 p. m. at the home of Mr.

and Mrs. Mike Rice. Members are to take grab bag gifts for themselves and their husbands. Those attending the meeting were Mrs. James Akers, Mrs.

takes. What does this say about his feelings for me and the chil- jessetsoyer, Mrs. janes cnns-, irenf Wnat approach do I take? Silence and pretending the tian, Mrs. Helen Hinnchs, Mrs. Droble1n isn't there doesn't work.

Heto me. Wife Of Mr. Fat in colors of lavender, yellow, and bronze surrounded by ferns centered the table. Boat- shaped glass dishes filled with nuts and mints completed the table arrangements. Mrs.

Kaufman gave the invocation for the luncheon, after which Miss Matilda Kessler, president, opened the meeting. Members responded to roll call with items concerning cur-' rent events: the 10 most pow-erf ul women in America, an English theater closing, for Veterans Day, Guy Lom-bardo, the first paper mill, preparation of the first Thanksgiving dinner, comparisons of people, federal funds to aid local art organizations, a motto for life, jetfoil travel between London and Belgium, a lack of wheelchair ramps may force" closing of a small library, the real Veterans Day, new Yule Mrs. Ludwig, Mrs Pridgen, Mrs. John Richcreek, Mrs. Stewart and Mrs.

Robert Tatlock. Co-hostesses were Mrs. Pridgen and Mrs. Stewart. The Merry Makers 4-H Club met-recently at St.

John's School at Sauers with Rachel Lambring calling the meeting to order. Jan Stuckwisch and Susan Lambring read their reports and Peggy Stuckwisch led the in singing. The health and safety reports were given by Linda Hoevener and Jina Hackman. Names were drawn for the Christmas party and locations for the party were discussed. Roll call response was "What Do You Want For Christmas?" Beth Benter- demonstrated to ments and Julie Shepman demonstrated making Chocolate Crackles.

Susan and L'orria Lambring served refreshments Jo Lisa Nierman, Susie Benter Teresa Benter, Beth Benter, Peggy" Stuckwisch, Susan Schepman, Linda Hoevener, Lisa Benter, Jeanna Schepman, Denise Wischmeier, Julie Schepman Mrs. Alvin Benter. Dear Wife: I suggest counseling for you. Some (like alcoholics) have to be shocked into shaping up by being' left. Maybe this is the way It is in your family.

A good therapist can show you the way. Check the mental health clinics in your area and get going. How to and how much? Find out mth Ann Landers' new booklet, "How, What, and When to TeU Your Child About Sex." For your copy, send 50 cents in coin along with a long, stamped, self-addressed envelope to Ann Landers, P. O- Box 11995, Chicago, 111. 60611.

COPYRIGHT 1977 FIELD ENTERPRISES, INC. Newsy-Paragraph Holly Persinger of Medora was admitted Sunday to the tree planted, Thanksgiving rtsh'-aniT-nrpvA Her- Stalin, and three hundred man Rose of Medora and Pa-notorious residences. tricia BaUinger of Norman During the business meeting were released Saturday. USE TRIBUNE CLASSIFIEDS FOR QUICK RESULTS shoes 204 WEST SECONO The McDonoldland Characters Say CWF No. One Discusses "No Skeletons" Group No.

One of the Women'! Fellowship of Central Christian Church discussed the book, "No Skeletons in Our Closet" when they met recently with Mrs. Oscar-Miller-, Mrs. Robert introduced he new study book entitled They soy It right to kids. In charming, catchy rhymes. They soy It ot your table, when it counts.

Po colorful, vinyl tnot mohe.rnqnnersJua mm yt? -x tons in Our Closet" which gives McDonoldland8 Manners Mats ore the perky, practical way 1 to remind kids about their manners. The mats wipe clean, so you con use them again and again. Rnd they're versatile because they're reversible. The opposite' side attractive basket weave pattern In golden earth tones to complement any table setting. -There ore four different Manners Mats, featuring different McDonoldland characters with memorable reminders about monners.

RICH FOLKLORE PRINTS Today's fashion look on 1 00 cotton-45" wide. AM YD. -fldd to your this week with Mayor McCheese and Captain Crook19. And make monners fun ot your house. REG.

1.99 TO 2.59 5 ii i Diinnncc cciT information about the Christian- Church (Disciples of Christ) and explains the relationship with God as a part of the family circle. Mrs. T. Reed Scoopmire, group leader, opened the meeting with the poem, t' stressing the beauty surrounding one that enriches one's life every day and makes one glad, kind, wise and The group then joined in the CWF prayer. Mrs.

Millie Sweany, worship chairman, gave the devotions using Psalm 100 to emphasize thankfulness, gratitude and grace. Mrs. Walter Able presided over the dedication of the offering. Cards for the guests WARM-CLASSIC WASHABLE WOOLENS ALL runruoi. rbki y- mm mm For crafts and Christmas" 1 1 projects.

In red, whita and 1 1 Kelly grein. 36" wide. TU' v)33 TWEEDS CHECKS SOLIDS PLAIDS OTHERS 80 wool, 20 Nylon. 5456" REG. 4.99 to 6.99 YD.

COZY VELOUR a 97 YD. iiSew lovely -1 --SOFTLY BRUSHED Plus Tat With purchase of skirts, or blazers. Acetate Nylon. 4854" wide. Not in- CHECKS-PLAIDS onu londuulch, fries ond drlnr1 -TAV- tended' for children's ileepwepr, REG.

2.492.99 Smart classic patterns from California. Waih-able Acrylic polyester. 5456" wide. REG. 3,99 KNIT CORDUROY Q33 -u Beautiful winter solids (j yd.

6860" FUM FURS and prints. Ideal for dresses and robes. Extra 1 -TO "WHITS PRICE 2 II 88 at the Emily Flinn Home were collected. It was announced that work days at the Red Cross are -Tuesday and Wednesday 9-12 noon and 1-4 p. m.

Work days for CWF will be Feb. IS and April 3 at the church. Used blankets are needed to be made into pads for the Emily Flinn Home. r- Each group has been requested to contribute for the new ice maker. Also, volunteers were asked to soak stamps at home.

The proceeds will be used to feed the hungry. Old eye glasses are needed by the Eye Bank sponsors. The meeting closed with the CWF benediction and refreshments were served by Mrs. Miller to Iva Gee, Mrs. Virl Mclntyrel Mrs.

Joy Young, Mrs. Millie Sweany, Mrs. Clarence Rebber, Mrs. Walter-Able, Mrs." Robert Lewis and Mrs. T.

Reed Scoop- -mire. Grtxil for jaclnfi, Unin, bdtpfodi, ptl-lowt and utt. WoihobU. 5460 Warm mppta, 20 Nylon, 0 Aural. Pretty patterns sxtra riaa widtht.

Ma-china wathabla. Daiignar langtht. REG. t.99 HOLIDAY CHRISTMAS PRINTS LARGE SEWING CHESTS i. HMfMlteinW 'TT WMMMim, Ill CnabM Hti to Li troy.

f9t rhwod-bchfctwi. 3 79 i 1 1 wiiii nil ii it tuvy )44: i YD. fmt tmmim c(Hl, tvM MS. 3.9 TO. Offer good ot portlclpotlng McDonald's Restaurants while supplies lost McDoooldlond Manners Mats.

They mok kids remember manners matter. X. iJLVii i4JUJ I VAIUA6LE COUPON -7VAIUABLI COUPON I ItOZ. FIBER FIL I FAMOUS WUIV.r CLir I I scissors 9 9 UfIU.UVULviy)-f-l 100 parfarhv. I (r HifM.

llppMa. cwrHna. I WW 1 UMIT ONI Pi CUSTOMf MO. i UMt hM Mtam I Newsy Paragraph 913 TIPTON STflCCT IMon. Thru Sat.

10-9 Sunday 1-5 Jackson Park Shopping Center 1244 E. Tipton, Seymour, Indiana 522-5372 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Eudy of North Vernon are parents of a son born Friday at Bartholomew County Hospital, Columtrus..

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)


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Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.