Television Archive News Search Service (2024)



Date Archived



57 57

Larry Kudlow Remarks at White House : CSPAN : July 3, 2019 11:50pm-11:59pm EDT

Jul 4, 2019 07/19



Director of the U.S. National Economic Council Larry Kudlow spoke to reporters outside the White House. Sponsor: White House | News Media Stakeout
Topics: china, mr. kudlow, iowa, kamala, mnuchin
Source: Comcast Cable


48 48

C-SPAN Cities Tour Visits Charleston, West Virginia : CSPAN3 : November 17, 2019 1:59pm-3:41pm EST

Nov 17, 2019 11/19



The C-SPAN Cities Tour visited Charleston, West Virginia to learn about the history of the city from local experts and historians.
Topics: virginia, charleston, west virginia, washington, catherine johnson, catherine, ruffner, nasa,...
Source: Comcast Cable


98 98

White House Hosts State Dinner for Australian Prime Minister : CSPAN : September 20, 2019 6:30pm-8:52pm EDT

Sep 20, 2019 09/19



[LIVE] C-SPAN is joined by former White House social secretary and former chief of protocol Capricia Marshall to take an in-depth look at President Trump's second State Dinner, which honors Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison. Sponsor: C-SPAN
Topics: white house, capricia, australia, china, trump, obama, morrison, washington, california, greg...
Source: Comcast Cable


36 36

U.S.-Taliban Peace Process Discussion : CSPAN3 : September 20, 2019 5:56pm-8:00pm EDT

Sep 20, 2019 09/19



The U.S. Institute of Peace hosted a discussion on where the U.S.-Taliban peace process stands and the potential for sustainable talks in the future. Afghan Ambassador to the U.S. Roya Rahmani delivered the keynote remarks, followed by a panel discussion with academics and former administration officials. Sponsor: U.S. Institute of Peace
Topics: afghanistan, taliban, pakistan, china, washington, michael, talib, russia, donald trump, india,...
Source: Comcast Cable


409 409

Campaign 2020 President Trump Rally in Dallas : CSPAN : October 17, 2019 8:42pm-10:18pm EDT

Oct 18, 2019 10/19



[LIVE] President Trump holds a campaign rally in Dallas. Sponsor: White House Travel | Domestic Trip,Trump Presidential Campaign
Topics: trump, texas, china, usa, turkey, ted cruz, mexico, erdogan, hillary, michigan, utah, obama, syria,...
Source: Comcast Cable


58 58

President Signs New Sanctions on Iran : CSPAN : June 24, 2019 7:44pm-7:53pm EDT

Jun 24, 2019 06/19



President Trump signed executive orders mandating new economic sanctions on Iran and its supreme leader. This came just days after Iran shot down a U.S. drone off its coast, escalating tensions between the two nations. The president also said he was willing to enter into discussions with Iran to deescalate the situation. Sponsor: White House
Topics: trump, iran, new york
Source: Comcast Cable


64 64

Kellyanne Conway Speaks to White House Reporters : CSPAN : March 25, 2019 1:42pm-2:01pm EDT

Mar 25, 2019 03/19



White House Counselor Kellyanne Conway spoke to reporters outside the White House. She called for House Intelligence Committee Chair Adam Schiff (D-CA) to resign for what she said were false claims he'd made that there was evidence the president colluded with Russia to influence the 2016 election. She also said the press owed the president and the country an apology for the way the Mueller report story had been covered. She said the press should feel sorry for themselves because they had made a...
Topics: ms. conway, mueller, barr, crimea, russia, pelosi, rosenstein, conroy, white house
Source: Comcast Cable


98 98

Lectures in History Legal History of Abortion in the U.S. : CSPAN3 : April 13, 2019 7:59pm-9:16pm EDT

Apr 13, 2019 04/19



Tulane University professor Karissa Haugeberg taught a class about the legal history of abortion in the United States from the 1840s through 2016. She discussed laws in the late 19th century that originally criminalized abortion as well Roe v. Wade in 1973 and the court cases and legislation that followed that landmark decision. Sponsor: Tulane University
Topics: haugeberg, roe v. wade, texas, louisiana, new york, griswold, england, arizona, alabama, jordan,...
Source: Comcast Cable


1,269 1.3K

President Trump Holds Border Security Roundtable in McAllen, TX : CSPAN3 : January 10, 2019 2:14pm-3:11pm EST

Jan 10, 2019 01/19



[LIVE] President Trump holds a roundtable discussion with border and immigration officials in McAllen, Texas. Sponsor: White House Travel | Domestic Trip
Topics: texas, mexico, washington, john, reggie, ronil singh, dan, houston, mr. singh, carlos, mcallen,...
Source: Comcast Cable


85 85

Oct 27, 2019 10/19



Author & historian Alan McPherson told the story of a car bomb assassination in Washington, D.C. on September 21, 1976. It killed Orlando Letelier, former Chilean ambassador to the United States, and his colleague Ronni Moffitt. Sponsor: C-SPAN | American History TV
Topics: washington, orlando, ronni moffitt, chile, pinochet, d.c., south america
Source: Comcast Cable


1,615 1.6K

President Trump Departure to Farm Bureau Convention : CSPAN2 : January 14, 2019 12:05pm-12:19pm EST

Jan 14, 2019 01/19



President Trump spoke to reporters about border security, the government shutdown, and news reports about undisclosed details of past meetings with Russia President Putin. The president answered questions before departing for New Orleans where he planned to deliver remarks to farmers attending the annual American Farm Bureau convention in New Orleans. Sponsor: White House
Topics: fbi, russia, china, new orleans
Source: Comcast Cable


43 43

Battle of Fallen Timbers : CSPAN3 : October 19, 2019 9:36am-9:46am EDT

Oct 19, 2019 10/19



The Battle of Fallen Timbers was the final battle of the Indian War in the Northwest. Shannon Hughes, Director of Programming at Metroparks Toledo, explained that this battle led to the signing of the Treaty of Greenville, which opened America's west for European American settlement. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Local Content Vehicle
Topics: anthony wayne, paris, britain, maumee river valley, ohio, atlantic, campbell
Source: Comcast Cable


612 612

President Trump's Remarks on Border Security : CSPAN : February 15, 2019 10:39am-11:50am EST

Feb 15, 2019 02/19



[LIVE] President Trump declares a national emergency along the U.S.-Mexico border. Sponsor: White House
Topics: china, mexico, north korea, russia, florida, el paso, donald trump, obama, syria, texas, arizona,...
Source: Comcast Cable


111 111

Reel America "Moonwalk One" - 1970 : CSPAN3 : July 21, 2019 10:15am-12:01pm EDT

Jul 21, 2019 07/19



This NASA-funded film details the July 1969 Apollo 11 mission to the moon with astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins. It includes space footage, scenes of spectators viewing the launch from Kennedy Space Center, reactions of people watching the mission around the world, the development of rockets, and pre-Apollo 11 medical testing of the human body in space conditions. "Moonwalk One" also shows parades for the astronauts after the splashdown and scenes of...
Topics: houston, roger, aldrin, armstrong, columbia, charlie, columbia, neil, neil armstrong, mankind,...
Source: Comcast Cable


107 107

1940s Supreme Court Cases on Flag Salute in Schools : CSPAN3 : February 22, 2019 9:33pm-9:59pm EST

Feb 23, 2019 02/19



In 1943, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the West Virginia State Board of Education v. Barnette case that public school students could not be forced to salute the American flag. This decision overturned the 1940 Minersville School District v. Gobitis case. World Headquarters of Jehovah's Witnesses Senior Communications Officer Robert Zick told the story of both cases and talked with the daughter of Lillian Gobitas, one of the students expelled for refusing to salute the flag for religious...
Topics: jehovah, barnett, phil donahue, billy, germany, jackson, lillian, judy, europe
Source: Comcast Cable


109 109

Discussion on Pro-Israel Lobby Influence on U.S. Policy - Part 1 : CSPAN3 : March 29, 2019 1:34pm-3:24pm EDT

Mar 29, 2019 03/19



The Washington Report on Middle East Affairs and the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy co-hosted an all-day event on the impact of pro-Israel groups on U.S. policy. This portion featured remarks from University of Akron HIstory Professor Walter Hixson who talked about his research and conclusions drawn in his book "Israel's Armor: The Role of the Israel Lobby in the History of the Palestine Conflict." Then, Electronic Intifada Co-Founder Ali Abunimah discussed what he said...
Topics: israel, washington, u.n., apec, netanyahu, johnson, hixson, kinnen, qatar, iran, lebanon, truman,...
Source: Comcast Cable


629 629

Road to the White House 2020 President Trump Announces Second Term Run : CSPAN : June 19, 2019 12:08am-1:51am EDT

Jun 19, 2019 06/19



President Trump announced he is running for a second term during a campaign rally at the Amway Center in Orlando, FL. Vice President Pence made opening remarks, while first lady Melania Trump introduced the President. Joining the President on stage was outgoing Press Secretary Sarah Sanders who made brief remarks. Sponsor: White House Travel | Domestic Trip,Trump Presidential Campaign
Topics: trump, florida, donald trump, orlando, china, washington, usa, south carolina, russia, mexico,...
Source: Comcast Cable


102 102

U.S. Soldier Morale 1971-1973 : CSPAN3 : May 18, 2019 9:10pm-10:01pm EDT

May 19, 2019 05/19



A panel of historians examined the morale of U.S. soldiers in the final two years of the Vietnam War. This discussion was part of an all-day conference titled "Manpower and Morale After Tet" hosted by the Center for Military, War, and Society Studies at the University of Kansas. Sponsor: University of Kansas | Center for Military, War, and Society Studies
Topics: vietnam, gregory, allison, korea, europe, germany, johnson, okinawa, alabama, bill allison,...
Source: Comcast Cable

Fifty years after the moon landing, Apollo 11 astronaut Michael Collins, National Air and Space Museum director Ellen Stofan, and former NASA administrator Charles Bolden reflected on the Apollo program's impact at the time as well as on today's politics, diplomacy, foreign policy and space initiatives. Sponsor: Department of State,George Washington University | Space Policy Institute,National Air and Space Museum
Topics: nasa, washington, collins, kennedy, neil armstrong, michael collins, smithsonian, nixon, neil,...
Source: Comcast Cable


512 512

Apr 24, 2019 04/19



[LIVE] President Trump delivers remarks at the Rx Drug Abuse and Heroin Summit in Atlanta. Sponsor: White House Travel | Domestic Trip
Topics: trump, murphy, monty, jeff, shelley, rogers, alex, virginia, mexico, georgia, atlanta, burks,...
Source: Comcast Cable


75 75

Apr 13, 2019 04/19



In this talk, general counsel Philip Brumley talked about the legal struggles of Jehovah's Witnesses and argued that their efforts have advanced the protection of human and civil rights globally. In 1943, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in a six to three decision that public school students could not be forced to salute the American flag after several Jehovah's Witnesses challenged their expulsion from a West Virginia public school. This program was a session from a day-long event hosted by the...
Topics: jehovah, russia, barnette, jehovah, california, argentina, virginia, canada, v. barnette,...
Source: Comcast Cable


78 78

House Foreign Affairs Committee on Political Situation in Venezuela - Part 1 : CSPAN3 : February 14, 2019 11:32am-1:58pm EST

Feb 14, 2019 02/19



The House Foreign Affairs Committee held a hearing on the political situation in Venezuela and the status of U.S. humanitarian aid efforts in the country. Witnesses included U.S. Special Envoy to Venezuela Elliott Abrams and other State Department officials. Freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) pressed Ambassador Abrams over his involvement in the Iran-Contra affair and his two guilty pleas for withholding information from Congress, saying "I fail to understand why members of this committee or...
Topics: venezuela, maduro, russia, mr. abrams, cuba, china, guaido, venezuela, nicolas maduro, colombia,...
Source: Comcast Cable


42 42

May 3, 2019 05/19



The Council on American-Islamic Relations hosted a conference about Islamophobia at Metropolitan State University in St. Paul, Minnesota. A panel of historians, authors and community activists discussed the history and Intersection of Islamophobia, Anti-Semitism and White Supremacy. The moderator, Erica Lee, is the author of a new book, "America for Americans: A History of Xenophobia in the United States." Sponsor: Council on American-Islamic Relations
Topics: europe, new zealand, obama, pittsburgh, ucla, germany, christchurch
Source: Comcast Cable


66 66

History of the Black Hills : CSPAN3 : December 8, 2019 1:58pm-4:02pm EST

Dec 8, 2019 12/19



Considered sacred by many Native Americans, South Dakota's Black Hills have long been the source of contention over land claims between tribes and the U.S. government, as well as the controversial issue of carving into the mountains at Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Memorial. We traveled there to hear about the history of and the current situation in the Black Hills with Native Americans, historians, and representatives at both Mount Rushmore and the Crazy Horse Memorial .
Topics: michigan, milwaukee, detroit, montana, virginia, canada, berger, victor berger, wyoming, south...
Source: Comcast Cable


133 133

Aug 11, 2019 08/19



Kennesaw State University Civil War Center director Brian Wills compared the careers and leadership styles of Union General George Henry Thomas and Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest. Sponsor: Kennesaw State University | Center for the Study of the Civil War Era
Topics: streight, george thomas, sherman, atlanta, chattanooga, kentucky, virginia, nathan, william...
Source: Comcast Cable


95 95

The Stonewall Riots 50th Anniversary : CSPAN3 : June 23, 2019 8:30am-9:32am EDT

Jun 23, 2019 06/19



[LIVE] American History TV is LIVE from the Stonewall National Monument in New York with historian Marc Stein to mark the 50th anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall Riots - a key turning point in the gay rights movement. Sponsor: C-SPAN | American History TV
Topics: new york, new york city, mark steyn, queens, marsha p johnson, berkeley, san francisco, canada,...
Source: Comcast Cable


71 71

The Presidency Pat Oliphant's Political Cartoons - Bush to Obama : CSPAN3 : December 26, 2019 10:05am-11:24am EST

Dec 26, 2019 12/19



Former White House administration staff members analyzed the work of political cartoonist Pat Oliphant. They focused on the presidencies of George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush -- and included Barack Obama's 2008 election. The University of Virginia's Miller Center hosted the event. Sponsor: University of Virginia | Miller Center of Public Affairs
Topics: bush, obama, george bush, cheney, barack obama, washington, white house, haiti, clinton, dan...
Source: Comcast Cable


99 99

Hoover Institution Library and Archives : CSPAN3 : May 4, 2019 11:42pm-12:01am EDT

May 5, 2019 05/19



Started in 1919, the Hoover Institution Library and Archives has been collecting materials pertaining to war, revolution, and peace for over 100 years. Deputy Director Eric Wakin and Curator Jean Cannon showed us several items from the collection. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Local Content Vehicle
Topics: hoover, herbert hoover, europe, china, hitler, hoover, paris, stalin, stillwell, ireland, shanghai,...
Source: Comcast Cable


50 50

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Press Briefing : CSPAN : November 26, 2019 6:40pm-7:10pm EST

Nov 26, 2019 11/19



Secretary of State Mike Pompeo talked about a number of topics, including Iran, Egypt, China, Hong Kong, and Ukraine, in a press briefing at the State Department. The secretary called out China on a number of human rights abuses outlined in leaked documents regarding China's crackdown on Muslim minorities in the Xingjiang region. Secretary Pompeo was also asked whether or not there should be investigations into allegations that Ukraine, not Russia, interfered in the 2016 election. "Anytime...
Topics: sec, mattis, pompeo, hong kong, ukraine, nato, florida, pentagon, trump, china, iraq, venezuela,...
Source: Comcast Cable


26 26

Central American Migration Discussion at Migration Policy Institute Conference : CSPAN3 : October 28, 2019 9:28am-10:52am EDT

Oct 28, 2019 10/19



The Migration Policy Institute, Catholic Legal Immigration Network and Georgetown Law hosted a day-long conference on immigration law and migration at the U.S.-Mexico border. This portion of the event focused on a discussion on why there is so much migration from Central America to the United States and what can be done regionally to help the conditions in these countries. Sponsor: Migration Policy Institute,Catholic Legal Immigration Network,Georgetown University Law Center
Topics: mexico, guatemala, honduras, unhcr, maureen, venezuela, anthony, chiara, u.n., costa rica, anthony...
Source: Comcast Cable


62 62

Federal Cybersecurity Policy Priorities Forum - PART 2 : CSPAN3 : September 16, 2019 9:51am-11:44am EDT

Sep 16, 2019 09/19



Cybersecurity officers from the military, federal agencies, and government contractors discussed policy priorities across the federal government at an event hosted by Billington CyberSecurity in Washington, DC. During this portion, the primary themes were models for public and private collaboration, as well as enhancing cloud security. One of the participants was the director of the NSA's new cybersecurity branch, Anne Neuberger, who gave an overview of the new department. Sponsor: Billington...
Topics: fbi, nsa, uk, russia, fogarty, scott, academia, jennifer, claire, dod, huntsville, intel,...
Source: Comcast Cable


32 32

The Civil War Ulysses S. Grant's Second Petersburg Offensive : CSPAN3 : October 19, 2019 6:00pm-7:16pm EDT

Oct 19, 2019 10/19



A. Wilson Greene analyzed Ulysses S. Grant's lesser-known second Petersburg offensive, which took place in June 1864 as Union forces attempted to capture Petersburg, Virginia, before Confederate General Robert E. Lee could reinforce his lines around the city. Mr. Greene is the author of "A Campaign of Giants: The Battle for Petersburg, Volume 1 - From the Crossing of the James to the Crater." The "Emerging Civil War" blog hosted this talk as part of a symposium on...
Topics: wilson, ulysses s. grant, mahone, bernie, wilcox, sheridan, virginia, petersburg, wright,...
Source: Comcast Cable


151 151

Sep 6, 2019 09/19



Catholic University of America religion and culture professor William Dinges compared the early 19th century transcendentalism and 1960s counterculture movements. The Smithsonian Associates hosted this event. Sponsor: Smithsonian Associates
Topics: emerson, ralph waldo emerson, woodstock, vietnam, william dinges, john kennedy, washington, henry...
Source: Comcast Cable


121 121

CBS Coverage of the Apollo 11 Launch : CSPAN3 : July 20, 2019 5:40pm-7:01pm EDT

Jul 20, 2019 07/19



Walter Cronkite anchored the live CBS News broadcast of the launch of the first manned mission to land on the moon, Apollo 11, from Kennedy Space Center in Florida. The program includes interviews with former president Lyndon B. Johnson, astronaut Wally Schirra and science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke, and live footage of the Saturn V rocket launch into outer space with astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins inside the command module. Also featured were numerous graphic...
Topics: walter, houston, mr. cronkite, wally, v.p. agnew, johnson, arthur, jack, collins, mr. clarke,...
Source: Comcast Cable


40 40

Federal Reserve Chair Powell Holds News Conference : CSPAN3 : December 13, 2019 11:04am-12:00pm EST

Dec 13, 2019 12/19



Federal Reserve Chair Powell announced interest rates would remain unchanged. "As always, we based our decision on how best to achieve our goals Congress has given us: maximum employment and economic stability," he said at the news conference. Sponsor: Federal Reserve | Board of Governors
Topics: paul volker, china, clinton, fomc, cra, nancy, scott horsley, chris, p.m. eastern on american...
Source: Comcast Cable


1,241 1.2K

President Trump Rose Garden Remarks after Meeting with Congressional Leaders : CSPAN : January 6, 2019 12:08pm-1:12pm EST

Jan 6, 2019 01/19



After meeting with congressional leaders at the White House to discuss border security funding and the ongoing government shutdown, President Trump spoke to reporters for about an hour in the Rose Garden. He said the negotiations with congressional Democrats were productive, and that talks would continue in the hopes of coming to an agreement. He answered several questions from the press on the shutdown, funding for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border, trade relations with China, and the...
Topics: china, mexico, nafta, daca, canada, california, mitch mcconnell, apple, usmca, kevin, mike, ma, san...
Source: Comcast Cable


77 77

Prime Minister's Questions Prime Minister's Questions : CSPAN3 : April 4, 2019 5:34pm-6:33pm EDT

Apr 4, 2019 04/19



During her weekly Prime Minister's Questions time, British Prime Minister Theresa May talked about her upcoming meeting with Labour Party leader Jeremy Corbyn and the first ministers of Wales and Scotland to discuss the best way forward on Brexit. The U.K. had a short extension until April 12 to come up with a suitable plan to exit the Euroepan Union. She answered several questions on this issue, and also took questions on combating Islamophobia, workers' rights, poverty, and the U.K.'s rising...
Topics: yorkshire, scotland, european union, jeremy corbyn, nato, islamaphobia, islamaphobia, jeffrey...
Source: Comcast Cable


589 589

President Trump Speaks at Tank Plant in Lima, Ohio : CSPAN : March 20, 2019 3:15pm-4:10pm EDT

Mar 20, 2019 03/19



[LIVE] President Trump delivers remarks at tank factory in Lima, Ohio. Sponsor: White House Travel | Domestic Trip
Topics: trump, ohio, lima, adam, obama, syria, john mccain, mccain, texas, china, russia, michigan, hillary...
Source: Comcast Cable


402 402

President Trump Remarks on the Environment : CSPAN : July 8, 2019 7:11pm-8:03pm EDT

Jul 8, 2019 07/19



President Trump, Interior Secretary David Bernhardt, Energy Secretary Rick Perry and others delivered remarks on federal environmental policy in the East Room at the White House. The president said his administration is committed to protecting clean air and water while prioritizing the cleanup of existing pollution and enouraging economic growth. Sponsor: White House
Topics: trump, california, epa, mary, washington, mr. perry, bruce, florida, mr. hrobak, oregon, bernhardt,...
Source: Comcast Cable


1,023 1.0K

President Trump Departs White House for McAllen, Texas : CSPAN : January 10, 2019 11:19am-11:36am EST

Jan 10, 2019 01/19



As a partial government shutdown over wall funding neared three weeks, President Trump departed from the White House to travel to McAllen, Texas in an effort to highlight what the administration has deemed a humanitarian and national security crisis at the southern border. Before boarding Marine One, the president told reporters that he would "definitely" declare a national emergency to build the wall if the two sides could not agree on money for the wall. He also refuted claims by...
Topics: mexico, china, texas, obama
Source: Comcast Cable


86 86

U.S. Army Photographers in Vietnam : CSPAN3 : May 27, 2019 1:25pm-2:56pm EDT

May 27, 2019 05/19



In 1962, President Kennedy authorized the creation of the Department of the Army Special Photographic Office to film and photograph the Vietnam War for the Pentagon and the U.S. Congress. Five Vietnam War Veterans who served in the special photographic office appeared at the National Archives to share images and films while they discussed their combat experiences in documenting the war. Sponsor: National Archives and Records Administration
Topics: vietnam, saigon, pentagon, washington, hawaii, europe, d.c., c-span, keith, lee reynolds, pacific,...
Source: Comcast Cable


50 50

History of Farm Labor in Tulare County : CSPAN3 : February 2, 2019 11:52pm-12:01am EST

Feb 3, 2019 02/19



The History of Farm Labor and Agriculture Museum tells the story of 16 immigrant groups who worked in the agriculture industry and made contributions to Visalia and Tulare County. Amy King, curator, talked about the museum's exhibit, "Creating A Fruitful Legacy", which highlights the Korean experience in Tulare County. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Local Content Vehicle
Topics: california, hawaii, dinuba
Source: Comcast Cable


58 58

Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin News Conference on Iran Sanctions : CSPAN : June 24, 2019 7:52pm-8:03pm EDT

Jun 24, 2019 06/19



Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin detailed new sanctions on Iran following the downing of a U.S. drone and an oil tanker attack in the Gulf of Oman. His comments came right after President Trump signed off on the new sanctions. Sponsor: White House
Topics: trump, bahrain
Source: Comcast Cable


111 111

Holocaust Survivor Irene Weiss : CSPAN3 : April 13, 2019 4:44pm-5:51pm EDT

Apr 13, 2019 04/19



Holocaust survivor Irene Weiss recalled what happened to her family after Nazi Germany invaded Czechoslovakia in 1939. She was 13 when her family was forced into an overcrowded ghetto and then sent to the Auschwitz concentration camp. Her mother, father and four siblings were killed there. This event was part of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum's "First Person" series. Sponsor: U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum
Topics: mrs. weiss, irene, auschwitz, germany, serena, czechoslovakia, poland, hungary, irene weiss,...
Source: Comcast Cable


132 132

The Presidency White House History : CSPAN3 : June 15, 2019 9:00pm-9:51pm EDT

Jun 16, 2019 06/19



White House Historical Association historians Matthew Costello and Lindsay Chervinsky talked about their jobs, and the history and preservation of the executive mansion. Sponsor: C-SPAN | American History TV
Topics: white house, susan, washington, lindsay, matthew, d.c., jacqueline kennedy, jefferson, truman,...
Source: Comcast Cable


79 79

May 20, 2019 05/19



Lawmakers and medical experts discussed pandemics and biosecurity at the third annual Pandemic & Biosecurity Forum in Washington, DC. This portion of the event included a series of panel discussions focused on the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Speakers included former Ebola Response Coordinator Ron Klain along with officials from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the World Health Organization (WHO) and the U.S. Agency for International Development...
Topics: cdc, congo, white house, obama, texas, nigeria, usaid, barta, c-span, schuchat, washington, u.n.,...
Source: Comcast Cable


70 70

2019 Hurricane Season Outlook : CSPAN3 : May 24, 2019 5:30pm-6:06pm EDT

May 24, 2019 05/19



The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) held a press conference in Arlington, Virginia, to announce the 2019 hurricane season outlook. NOAA Acting Administrator Neil Jacobs said their models were predicting a "near-normal" hurricane season, which runs from June 1 to November 30. NOAA predicted between four and eight hurricanes, including two to four that could reach category 3, 4 or 5 storms, i.e., winds of 111 mph or higher. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross delivered...
Topics: noaa, atlantic, fema, el niÑo, jerry, michael, florence, philadelphia, cbs news, harvey, brian,...
Source: Comcast Cable


475 475

Lectures in History History of State of the Union Addresses : CSPAN3 : January 26, 2019 8:00pm-9:11pm EST

Jan 27, 2019 01/19



Stonehill College professor Peter Ubertaccio taught a class on the history of State of the Union addresses. He described George Washington's first address -- delivered in person -- but explained that many presidents who followed simply elected to send Congress a written statement until Woodrow Wilson in 1913. He explored how, since then, State of the Union speeches have evolved along with new technology and, in modern times, have been used to bolster political platforms. Sponsor: Stonehill...
Topics: washington, wilson, woodrow wilson, william howard taft, clinton, johnson, the union, lyndon...
Source: Comcast Cable


91 91

Secretary of State Pompeo Remarks at Centcom Headquarters : CSPAN3 : June 18, 2019 2:33pm-2:44pm EDT

Jun 18, 2019 06/19



Secretary of State Mike Pompeo spoke to reporters after meeting with leaders of the U.S. Central Command at the command's headquarters in Tampa, Florida. He said he talked to them about ongoing military tensions with Iran following the June 13, 2019 attack of two oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz, near Oman. U.S. officials blamed Iran for the attack, while Iran denied its culpability. Secretary Pompeo said he wanted to continue discussions with military leaders about coordinating the U.S....
Topics: iran, trump, centcom, pentagon, clark
Source: Comcast Cable


74 74

Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin Testifies Before House Financial Services : CSPAN3 : December 5, 2019 10:04am-1:03pm EST

Dec 5, 2019 12/19



[LIVE] Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin testifies before the House Financial Services Committee about financial stability. Sponsor: House Financial Services Committee
Topics: china, mnuchen, treasury, new york, mnuchin, irs, colorado, india, texas, missouri, tennessee,...
Source: Comcast Cable


41 41

Nov 26, 2019 11/19



Scholar and curator Katherine Egner Gruber used images to describe the significance of tailors in 18th century Alexandria, Virginia. Examining the account book of tailor William Carlin, who was active between 1763 and 1782, Gruber argued that men's clothing was important in reflecting meaningful moments in citizen's lives and helped prepare the community for revolution. The "Emerging Revolutionary War" blog, Gadsby's Tavern Museum and the Lyceum of Alexandria, Virginia co-hosted this...
Topics: alexandria, washington, carlin, virginia, taylor, england, william carlin, george mason,...
Source: Comcast Cable


35 35

Joseph Eichler Homes : CSPAN3 : May 12, 2019 4:49pm-4:56pm EDT

May 12, 2019 05/19



Palo Alto real estate developer Joseph Eichler is responsible for several post-war housing developments between the 1950's and 1960's. The modern design of the homes as well as Eichler's willingness to sell to minorities made the subdivisions unique. While in Palo Alto we visited one of Eichler's designed neighborhoods. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Local Content Vehicle
Topics: california, joseph eichler, frank lloyd wright, harry truman
Source: Comcast Cable


38 38

American Artifacts World War II Soviet Army : CSPAN3 : July 13, 2019 10:00am-10:31am EDT

Jul 13, 2019 07/19



Living history hobbyist Craig Hall portrays a Soviet Cavalry officer and discusses the role of the Soviet Union in World War II. Appearing at the annual Army Heritage Days event in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, Mr. Hall uses weapons, equipment, uniforms, and props to argue that the sacrifices and contributions of the Soviet people were essential to the Allied victory. He is joined by Sheryl Lynne Williams who briefly discusses the role of Soviet women in combat. Sponsor: U.S. Army Heritage and...
Topics: ukraine, moscow, soviet union, nazis, russia, c-span, france, calvary, soviet union, hitler,...
Source: Comcast Cable


26 26

1970 Kent State Photographs : CSPAN3 : October 20, 2019 9:10pm-10:01pm EDT

Oct 21, 2019 10/19



Howard Ruffner talked about the photos he took on May 4, 1970 when National Guard troops shot and killed four students at Kent State University in Ohio during an anti-Vietnam War protest. A student and photographer for the college newspaper at the time, one of his photos was used on the cover of Life magazine. His book about his experience is titled, "Moments of Truth: A Photographer's Experience of Kent State 1970." Sponsor: Vroman's Bookstore
Topics: howard ruffner, taylor, ohio, vietnam, washington, rhodes, alison krauss, d.c., jeffrey miller,...
Source: Comcast Cable


25 25

Justice Department IG Michael Horowitz on Government Oversight : CSPAN3 : October 21, 2019 4:05pm-5:31pm EDT

Oct 21, 2019 10/19



American University hosted a conversation between Washington Post Associate Editor Bob Woodward and Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz. They discussed the role of inspectors general, federal government oversight and whistleblower laws, specifically in the intelligence community. American University President Sylvia Burwell and former House Oversight Committee Chair Jason Chaffetz provided introductory remarks. Sponsor: American University Washington College of Law
Topics: washington, michael, chaffetz, trump, mr. horowitz, white house, michael horowitz, bob woodward,...
Source: Comcast Cable


50 50

Lectures in History Women During World War II : CSPAN3 : September 4, 2019 11:38am-1:01pm EDT

Sep 4, 2019 09/19



Texas Woman's University professor Katherine Landdeck taught a class about the ways American women contributed to the war effort during World War II. She detailed the expectations for women on the home front to write letters to soldiers, plant victory gardens, and work in factories. She also compared what options were available to women for service with each military branch. Sponsor: Texas Woman's University
Topics: rosie, navy, johnny, europe, eleanor roosevelt, mary doyle keefe, arlington, norman rockwell,...
Source: Comcast Cable


166 166

Feb 12, 2019 02/19



Mayors and gun control advocates discussed gun violence and hate crimes in their cities at the winter meeting of the U.S. Conference of Mayors in Washington, DC. In this portion, the mayors from Annapolis, Maryland, Parkland, Florida, Charleston, South Carolina and Pittsburgh shared stories about the mass shootings associated with hate crimes in their cities. Sponsor: U.S. Conference of Mayors
Topics: pittsburgh, chattanooga, fbi, mister lieberman, maryland, florida, charleston, peditto, oregon,...
Source: Comcast Cable


64 64

Aug 10, 2019 08/19



Biographers talked about their subjects and political history. They included Sammy Davis Jr., Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, and Muhammad Ali. This talk was part of a two-day Purdue University conference called "Remaking American Political History." Sponsor: Purdue University
Topics: sammy davis, john wayne, tammy, washington, joe lewis, robert louis stevenson, cosell, tammy faye...
Source: Comcast Cable


55 55

Nov 18, 2019 11/19



New America held a discussion on combating extremism and domestic terrorism. Panelists included a former intelligence analysis director with the New York Police Department and a former leader of a Neo-Nazi group called the National Socialist Movement. Sponsor: New America
Topics: jesse, jeff, fbi, mitch, europe, isis, new america, ukraine, white supremacist, canada, new york,...
Source: Comcast Cable


239 239

Campaign 2020 President Trump Rally in Rio Rancho, NM : CSPAN : September 17, 2019 5:19am-7:00am EDT

Sep 17, 2019 09/19



President Trump held a campaign rally in Rio Rancho, New Mexico where he talked about several issues including the economy, immigration and border security, and new allegations made against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh. Sponsor: Trump Presidential Campaign
Topics: trump, mexico, new mexico, usa, china, texas, michigan, washington, donald trump, russia,...
Source: Comcast Cable


978 978

State of the Union Address : CSPAN : February 5, 2019 11:10pm-12:42am EST

Feb 6, 2019 02/19



President Trump delivered his State of the Union address. Sponsor: U.S. Senate,U.S. House of Representatives,White House Travel | DC Event
Topics: alice, judah, joshua, herman, china, afghanistan, elvin, dachau, heather, arizona, pittsburgh,...
Source: Comcast Cable


62 62

Oct 4, 2019 10/19



The House Oversight and Reform Subcommittee on Economic and Consumer Policy held a hearing on the relationship between e-cigarettes and an outbreak in lung disease. The committee heard testimony from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Principal Deputy Director Dr. Anne Schuchat about the health effects of e-cigarette use and what officials knew about a string of lung illnesses resulting from e-cigarettes and vaping. A second panel included testimony from additional medical professionals...
Topics: fda, cdc, illinois, wisconsin, schuchat, juul, rizzo, johnson, california, kentucky, jordan, l.a.,...
Source: Comcast Cable


2,588 2.6K

President Trump's Address to the Nation on Border Security : CSPAN : January 8, 2019 11:04pm-11:15pm EST

Jan 9, 2019 01/19



President Trump addressed the nation on what the administration argues is a humanitarian and national security crisis on the southern border. This was his first address to the nation from the Oval Office. In his remarks, he talked about his proposal to Congress for border security, saying he was pushing for a steel barrier instead of a wall. He said he had invited Congressional leaders to the White House to resume talks to reopen the government, which was partially shutdown over disagreement...
Topics: mexico, chuck schumer, california
Source: Comcast Cable


872 872

President Trump Remarks on Surprise Medical Billing : CSPAN : May 9, 2019 11:17pm-12:02am EDT

May 10, 2019 05/19



President Trump delivered remarks on ending surprise medical billing. Following his remarks, he took questions from reporters on several issues of the day including a subpoena brought against his son, Donald Trump Jr. in relation to Russia investigation. The president told reporters he was "very surprised" at the decision and that his son was a "very good person" and was exonerated by the Mueller investigation. He also talked about trade relations with China, U.S. policy in...
Topics: trump, china, russia, nato, donald trump, john, florida, germany, lordstown, lamar, iran, john...
Source: Comcast Cable


51 51

House Appropriations Subcommittee Hearing on Supreme Court Budget : CSPAN3 : March 7, 2019 1:29pm-2:55pm EST

Mar 7, 2019 03/19



[LIVE] Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito and Elena Kagan testify before a House Appropriations subcommittee regarding the court's budget. Sponsor: House Appropriations Subcommittee on Financial Services and General Government
Topics: alito, kagan, roberts, brown, kennedy, venezuela, harvard, washington
Source: Comcast Cable


20 20

Role of Men in the Women's Suffrage Movement : CSPAN3 : November 16, 2019 10:30am-12:01pm EST

Nov 16, 2019 11/19



Three authors explored the role of men in the women's suffrage movement and the reasons why men supported the 19th amendment. This National Archives event was one of a series associated with their exhibit, "Rightfully Hers: American Women and the Vote." Sponsor: National Archives and Records Administration
Topics: new york, tennessee, california, laidlaw, susan b anthony, frederick douglass, brooke, brooks,...
Source: Comcast Cable


66 66

Sep 10, 2019 09/19



Hours after Pres. Trump announced via Twitter the resignation of National Security Adviser John Bolton, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin answered several questions from reporters about the resignation. The two officials said Mr. Bolton, who was earlier slated to attend the briefing, but did not do so, served at the pleasure of the president. While they both acknowledged foreign policy disagreements with Mr. Bolton, they said the president's "maximum...
Topics: trump, isis, tullahoma, stephen, bolton, cia, syria, white house
Source: Comcast Cable


42 42

District of Columbia Emancipation Act of 1862 : CSPAN3 : August 30, 2019 3:55pm-5:27pm EDT

Aug 30, 2019 08/19



Historians discussed the District of Columbia Compensated Emancipation Act of April 16, 1862. The act freed about 3100 slaves in the Nation's Capital and compensated owners up to $300 for each former slave. The panel also talked about the influence the Act had on the Emancipation Proclamation, which was issued eight months later on January 1st, 1863. The National Archives hosted this ninety-minute event on April 16th, which marks the annual Emancipation Day holiday in the District of Columbia....
Topics: d.c., columbia, washington, maryland, virginia, harriet tubman, lincoln, abraham lincoln, columbia,...
Source: Comcast Cable


36 36

The Presidency Secret Service Protection : CSPAN3 : August 11, 2019 8:00pm-9:01pm EDT

Aug 12, 2019 08/19



Former Secret Service agents talked about protecting the first family and the challenges they faced. Speakers included Larry Buendorf, who prevented a 1975 assassination attempt on President Gerald Ford. The George W. Bush Presidential Center hosted this event. Sponsor: Bush (George W.) Presidential Center
Topics: bush, white house, larry, nick, joe, clancy, spence, washington, new york, obama, ford, d.c., mrs....
Source: Comcast Cable


910 910

President Trump Rally in El Paso, Texas : CSPAN : February 12, 2019 12:09am-1:34am EST

Feb 12, 2019 02/19



President Trump held a "Make America Great Again" rally in El Paso, Texas. He told supporters about his first two years in office, and asked for their support as he continued his push to build a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border. He also talked briefly about a looming deadline to avoid another partial government shutdown and said he wouldn't support a Democratic proposal to reduce a cap on the number of detention beds Immigration and Customs Enforcement can use for those arrested...
Topics: texas, china, el paso, mexico, north korea, beto, russia, dan, greg abbott, syria, hawaii, donald...
Source: Comcast Cable


105 105

May 23, 2019 05/19



[LIVE] President Trump delivers remarks on the administration's trade agenda and the U.S. agriculture sector. Sponsor: White House
Topics: china, trump, usmca, mexico, nancy pelosi, huawei, white house, nancy, usmca, pelosi, canada,...
Source: Comcast Cable


330 330

Sep 14, 2019 09/19



Emory University professor Deborah Lipstadt taught a class about anti-Semitism in America and Holocaust denial. She shared the story of her 1996 lawsuit against Holocaust denier David Irving - which was turned into the 2016 movie, "Denial." She also outlined answers to frequent claims made by deniers. Sponsor: Emory University
Topics: lipstadt, etc., germany, david irving, hitler, britain, auschwitz, berlin, alex, birkenau, irving,...
Source: Comcast Cable


46 46

Washington Journal Megan Hansen : CSPAN3 : July 9, 2019 4:01pm-4:36pm EDT

Jul 9, 2019 07/19



Center for Growth and Opportunity Research Director Megan Hansen discussed new research and suggestions for how to improve the management of public lands. Sponsor: C-SPAN | Washington Journal
Topics: utah, megan hansen, california, wyoming, huntsman, mike, arizona, hansen, robert mueller, illinois,...
Source: Comcast Cable


78 78

Aug 16, 2019 08/19



Biographers talked about their subjects and political history. They included Sammy Davis Jr., Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker, and Muhammad Ali. This talk was part of a two-day Purdue University conference called "Remaking American Political History." Sponsor: Purdue University
Topics: sammy davis, john wayne, tammy, washington, sammy, mickey mantle, robert louis stevenson, jerry...
Source: Comcast Cable


250 250

Campaign 2020 President Trump Rally in Battle Creek, Michigan : CSPAN3 : December 18, 2019 7:46pm-10:14pm EST

Dec 19, 2019 12/19



[LIVE] President Trump holds a campaign rally in Battle Creek, Michigan. Sponsor: White House,Trump Presidential Campaign
Topics: michigan, trump, obama, donald trump, china, washington, usa, mexico, wisconsin, nancy pelosi,...
Source: Comcast Cable

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Name: Kelle Weber

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